Emilio Martinez - I Love You

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Y/N was sitting on the roof with Emilio.

"One day I'm going to take you to Spain." Emilio told Y/N as he looked her in the eyes.

"That's if you could get me on a plane." Y/N replied, laughing. She hated planes.

"I'll be with you." Emilio said as he kissed Y/N.

The kiss was soft yet passionate. It sent butterfly fluttering throughout Y/N's stomach and Emilio could swear he felt fireworks going off throughout his body.

"THEY'RE KISSING!" Jake yelled when he went onto the roof with Chance, Anthony, and Kade.

Emilio and Y/N immediately broke away from each other.

"Get it Martinez!" Chance spoke up.

Y/N rolled her eyes as she got up. She pushed her way past the MidWest boys and headed off the roof.

"Guys, stop." Emilio said as he got up and approached the boys.

"What?" Jake asked.

"Hop off my dick!" Emilio told the guys.

"We're cock blocking him." Anthony translated.

"Ohhhh." Kade, Chance, and Jake said in unison acting like it was obvious as Emilio headed off the roof after his girlfriend.


Y/N was jumping on the trampoline with Emilio twenty minutes later. They were laughing as Emilio tackled her and she fell down on her back, Emilio on top of her. Emilio rolled off of her and they looked each other in the eyes.

"I love you." Emilio quietly said. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to tell Y/N that. They were only dating for three months now and it was his first relationship.

"I love you too." Y/N whispered back. She never said those three words before and she wasn't sure if she was supposed to since it was only three months. And just because Emilio told Y/N doesn't necessarily mean she has to say it back. But she was ready. She saw Emilio in her future even if it was for just another year or ten more years.

"Yes." Emilio sighed in relief as he leaned in and kissed Y/N. He was incredibly lucky to have Y/N in his life and he was lucky that she loved him back.


"Don't leave." Y/N said when Emilio got up to leave Y/N's room that night.

They never slept in the same bed but they were grown and they wouldn't do something ridiculous.
Emilio turned back around to look at his girlfriend and he got back into her bed.

"I love you." Emilio told Y/N again. After he told her he couldn't stop.

"I love you too." Y/N laughed as Emilio got on top of her and started kissing her.

"You're beautiful." Emilio told Y/N as he kissed her on the neck.

He wasn't perfect with pulling the moves. He was only 18, he didn't have any experience. Y/N was his first girl and he wanted to make love to her.

She was perfect in every possible way.


Y/N woke up the next morning, her head on Emilio's bare chest and she knew what she did with him last night.

"Do you regret it?" Y/N asked Emilio when he woke up.

"What?" Emilio asked. He didn't understand.

"Do you take it back? Like you wish you didn't do it?" Y/N asked.

"No. Never." Emilio said as he tightened his wrapped around Y/N.

He could get used to waking up next to her.


"How about you?"

"No." Y/N replied as Emilio kissed her just as Jake walked into the room. Jake went to wake up the guys but Emilio was missing so he headed to Y/N's room to find him.

"You guys slept together?" Jake asked in shock when he saw them lying in bed together.

"Yeah." Emilio happily replied as Y/N hid her head in Emilio's chest.

"I ship it." Was all Jake said as he walked out so Y/N and Emilio could be left alone.

Emilio kissed Y/N for the millionth time in the past day. Every kiss sent off a million more butterflies and fireworks.

It was a feeling worth feeling.

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