Emilio Martinez - The Hookup

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"Hey Emilio—OH MY GOD!" Y/N screamed when she walked into the guy's room and Emilio had his hand down his pants and he was jacking off.

Y/N immediately walked back out of the room and headed back downstairs.

"What happened?" Ivan asked.

"Emilio's jacking off." Y/N said which caused everyone to start laughing.

"You enjoyed it, don't deny it." Anthony replied.

"Ew no, oh my god." Y/N said as she swatted Anthony in the arm.


Emilio came downstairs 20 minutes later like nothing happened. Yet Y/N couldn't even look at him. She felt so awkward.

"Hey." Emilio said as he sat down on the couch next to Y/N.

"Hey." Y/N replied.

"I'm sorry you came in."

"Don't talk about it." Y/N told Emilio as she finally looked over at him. He was smiling at her and she couldn't help but laugh.

Emilio started laughing and as he was laughing he leaned towards Y/N and kissed her. He couldn't help it. He's been wanting to do that since the day he met her.

Emilio deepened the kiss. He tangled his fingers in her hair as Y/N grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him closer.


"Y/N and Emilio are making out." Jake whispered to Chance and Anthony when Jake walked into the office. They all started giving each other a suggestive look since they were all pretty sure that Emilio and Y/N were going to hit second base.

They then heard footsteps and Jake looked out the office door.

"Where are you going?!" Jake yelled when he saw Y/N and Emilio going up the stairs. They both stopped and looked at Jake.

"We're going to my room." Y/N replied.

"You're 17." Was all Jake said.

"I'm not going to fuck him." Y/N responded like Jake was dumb.

Jake had no way to respond so Emilio and Y/N continued heading up the stairs.

"Oh god." Jake said.

"What's happening?" Ivan asked as he got out of his chair. He was confused at what was happening.

"Y/N and Emilio went to Y/N's room."

"They're not going to fuck." Ivan laughed.

"How do you know?"

"Emilio? No. No. He doesn't have the moves." Ivan told the guys.

"Seems like someone's a little salty." Chance said.

"Y/N, wouldn't just fuck Emilio." Ivan assured the guys but it was more like he was assuring himself.

He couldn't have his crush sleep with his twin brother.

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