Kade Speiser - Pregnant

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Even before Kade and Y/N were married they were always trying to have a baby. Y/n couldn't get pregnant even though the doctor always told her that she was extremely able to.

Kade always wanted a baby, even more than Y/N wanted a baby. So when Y/N started having symptoms of pregnancy she immediately took a pregnancy test with Tessa and Erika (her best friends).

When the positive showed up all of Team 10 except Kade found out. Y/N wanted Kade to found out in a special way so all of Team 10 decided to dedicate the day to hinting Kade about Y/N's pregnancy.


"Yo, Kade, let's go to Outback!" Jake said when he went into the office.

"Why? We never go to outback." Kade replied since he was confused.

"Let's get baby back ribs." Jake told Kade.

Everyone in the office knew what Jake was hinting at her Kade had no idea.

"I'm vegan."

"Oh shit, yeah." Jake laughed as they all started laughing.

"Then let's go get some baby carrots."

"Why carrots?" Kade asked confused. He totally didn't pay attention to the fact Jake said baby carrots instead of just carrots.


"Where's Y/N?" Kade asked a few hours later.

"Why you want to sleep with her?" Chance asked.

"No...She won't get pregnant." Kade said heartbroken.

"What if she is?" Chance hinted.

"I would know." Kade replied as he turned back around to his computer, he was extremely sad since he hated being reminded that Y/N can't have a baby.

All the hints were going in one ear and out the other.


"Kade, I got Vegan Cupcakes." Y/N said when she walked into the office holding a box of 6 cupcakes. Three of them were blue and the other three were pink.

"Ooo yes. My fave." Kade said as he grabbed a blue cupcake not even realizing what the cupcakes symbolized.

"You're so clueless sometimes." Y/N laughed as she sat down next to him.

"Babe, its cupcakes. I love cupcakes."

"I know you do. But you also love babies, don't you?"

"Yeah," Kade sighed, "We should try again tonight."

"Yeah, we should." Y/N said as she got up and give Anthony a look that was telling him that he's the next one to hint to Kade about the pregnancy.


"KADE! COME HERE!" Anthony yelled from the kitchen twenty minutes later.

"THERE'S A BUN IN THE OVEN!" Anthony yelled when Kade walked into the office and Anthony opened the oven to reveal the bun.

"What does that have to do with me?" Kade asked as Emilio walked into the kitchen with a basketball under his shirt.

"Hey Kade." Emilio smirked as he rubbed the basketball, pretending he was a very pregnant woman.

"Why are you all taking about babies?" Kade asked as he looked around the kitchen.

Everyone was walking into the kitchen and just looking at Kade like they all knew something he didn't. Which was true. He was oblivious to the fact his wife was pregnant.

The last hint, Ivan walked into the kitchen holding. He handed Kade a book titled, "How To Be A Dad."

"What?" Kade asked as he looked over at Y/N after he read the title.

"I'm pregnant." Y/N finally said.

"No way." Kade asked as he dropped the book and went over to Y/N.

He hugged Y/N extremely tight as he picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his torso and they just hugged each other.

Everyone was watching and trying not to cry since they knew how long Kade and Y/N were trying to get pregnant.

Tears started rolling down Kade's face as him and Y/N stopped hugging. Kade never cried.

"Don't cry." Y/N told Kade.

"I can't help it. This is the third best day of my life. The first being the day I met you and the second being the day I married you."

- Requested -

Team 10 ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora