Kade Speiser - Chanthony

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"Oh my god." Y/N said when she walked into the guys room. She couldn't believe it. Anthony and Chance were kissing.

They immediately broke away and looked at Y/N like deer caught in headlights.

"It's not what it looks like." Chance said as Y/N closed the door behind her so nobody heard.

"We're just curious." Was all Anthony said. Y/N was confused.

Chance and Anthony was caught in an awkward spot.

"It's like if you go and kiss Erika because you want to see what it's like to kiss a girl."

"You guys kissed before and now you guys are making out...How long has this been going on?" Y/N asked.

"Not long." Chance replied after he looked at Anthony.

"Oh my god." Y/N said again.

"Don't tell anybody." Anthony then said.

"I won't." Y/N said as she then immediately left the room, purposely leaving the door open yet seconds later one of them closed the door.


"What's up?" Kade asked Y/N when she walked into her room where he was sitting on her bed.

"Nothing." Y/N said as she came onto the bed and sat next to Kade.

"You look like you just saw a ghost." Kade said as he put his computer down and pulled Y/N onto his lap.

"Nope." Was all Y/N said as she leaned against Kade, his arms tightly wrapped around her.

Kade then turned his head and pressed his lips against Y/N's.

"Who's home?" Kade then asked when he pulled his lips away.

"I have no idea," Y/N said, lying for Chance and Anthony, "Why?"

"You know why." Kade smirked.


"I heard Kade and you." Chance laughed when Y/N came down to the kitchens about two hours later.

"I don't think he knows you guys were home so don't say anything." Y/N replied as Kade came into the kitchen.

"Hey guys." Kade said as he came up behind Y/N and wrapped his arms around her.

"Hey." Chance and Anthony both replied.

Chance and Anthony then left the kitchen because Kade looked like he wanted a round two with Y/N.
Kade removed his arms from around Y/N and Y/N turned around so Kade could press her up against the counter. Kade then put Y/N up on the counter so he could stand between her legs.

"Kade, babe, no." Y/N said as she put her hands on the higher part of Kade's stomach, right under his chest.

"Later?" Kade asked.

"I'm too sore." Y/N replied as the front door opened and Erika and Nick walked in.

"What's happening?" Erika immediately asked since she always tried to make sure Kade and Y/N didn't do anything.

"Nothing." Y/N told Erika as she looked at Kade.

"She's lying." Nick said as he walked up the stairs to go to his room.

Erika then walked over to Y/N and Kade and looked at Kade's back which was all scratched up.


"What's up? You've been weird all day." Kade said to Y/N that night before he went home.

"Nothing." Y/N lied and they both knew she was lying.

"We tell each other everything."

"I know but I just can't tell you...right now." Y/N replied. It wasn't her business to tell about Chance and Anthony.

"What the hell."

"Kade, it's not my business to tell you."

"Whatever." Kade said as he got off Y/N's bed to leave.

"Goodnight Kade." Y/N said as Kade opened her bedroom door and then slammed it shut behind him.

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