Ray Diaz - Secret Relationship

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"Where are you going?" Jake asked when Y/N got to the bottom of the stairs, ready to leave for the night. They all knew she was probably not coming home until the morning cause that's all that's been happening recently.

"Amanda's." Y/N lied. That was the lie she always used because Amanda was her best friend so it wouldn't be suspicious if she was going to her best friend's house.

"Have fun." Jake laughed since he knew Y/N was lying. Nobody goes to their best friend's house every other night and doesn't come home until the morning.


"Is Y/N at your house?" Jake asked when he called Amanda an hour later.

"Yes." Amanda lied.

"No she's not. Where is she?" Jake asked. He could tell that Amanda was lying.

"I can't tell you." Amanda replied since she was swore to secrecy.


"I missed you." Ray said as he cooked dinner in the kitchen for him and Y/N.

"I missed you too." Y/N replied as she stood on the other side of the counter.

"Are you staying tonight?" Ray asked as he walked over to her and leaned towards her.

"Yeah." Y/N replied as Ray kissed her. Ray always asked even though they both knew she always stays.

Ray pulled away from her and was smirking/smiling, "I love you."

"I love you too." Y/N smiled back as Ray turned back around to finish cooking.


Ray and Y/N were sitting on the couch later that night. Y/N had her legs over Ray's as they watched TV when Ray got a call from Jake.

"Why is he calling?" Ray asked when he showed his phone screen to Y/N.

"I don't know. Answer it though." Y/N said as Ray picked his phone up.

"What's up?" Ray asked.

"Do you know where Y/N is?" Jake asked as Ray glanced over at Y/N.

"No. Why? What's happening?" Ray asked, playing dumb.

"She keeps disappearing to some guy's place and saying that she goes to Amanda's."

"Interrogate her." Was all Ray said as him and Jake then said good bye to each other.


Y/N leaned in and kissed Ray and he kissed her back.

Ray tangled his fingers into Y/N's hair.

"Are you down...?" Ray trailed off when he broke away from Y/N. Even though she is legal Ray always asked. He never wanted to pressure Y/N into doing anything he didn't want to do.

"Yea." Y/N replied.


"Maybe we should tell the team." Y/N said to Ray the next morning when she was getting ready to leave.

"Babe, were 11 years apart." Ray said as he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

"You got a young hot girlfriend. Why complain?" Y/N joked.

"Babe, you know it's not that." Ray replied and he couldn't help but laugh.

"I can't keep sneaking out. They're going to find out." Y/N replied as she turned around to look up at Ray.

"Whatever." Ray sighed as he walked away and left Y/N standing in the bathroom alone.


"She has no marks." Anthony announced after he checked Y/N's neck when she walked through the front door.

Jake then came over to Y/N and lifted up her shirt to see if she had any marks on her chest or stomach, yet she didn't have any marks.

"You smell like boy's cologne." Jake said. He knew he smelt it before but he didn't know who's cologne it was.

"Yeah I smell good! Is that your boy's cologne?!" Tessa yelled from upstairs which caused everyone to start laughing.

"Where were you?" Jake asked.

"Amanda's." Y/N lied again.

"I called her. You weren't there."

"Why do you care?" Y/N shot back.


Y/N left that night but came back at one in the morning, crying.

"Y/N, where were you?" Jake asked as he came running down the stairs. He heard a car pull up and then heard the front door open.

"I fought with him." Was all Y/N said as she started crying.

"With who?" Jake asked as he wrapped his arms around Y/N.

"I can't tell you."

"Well, at least tell me what happened."

"He doesn't want anyone to know about us so we fought."

"Why can't anybody know?" Jake asked.

"Because of the age difference."

"How big's the age difference?"

"I can't say." Y/N replied as she tightened her arms around Jake.


Ray came over to the Team 10 house the next day yet Y/N and Ray were still pissed at each other.

"Hey." Ray said when he walked into the kitchen and saw Y/N.

"Fuck off." Y/N replied as she walked out of the kitchen.

"What was that about?" Anthony asked who witnessed the awkwardness between Y/N and Ray.

"Nothing." Ray replied, still keeping their relationship a secret.

"Are you the guy she's fucking around with?" Anthony then asked. It seemed like Ray and Y/N had something going on, just by the way they look at each other.

Ray sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair, "Yeah."

"Dude, you guys are 11 years apart."

"Yeah and I didn't want to tell anyone about us and she did so now we're fighting."

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