Anthony Trujillo - Cheater

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"WHO ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME WITH!?!?!" Anthony yelled at his girlfriend. They were getting ready to head to Vegas when Anthony saw a love bite near the back of her neck, like it was being hidden.

"I didn't cheat on you." Y/N replied.

"TONY! Y/N! LET'S GO!" Jake yelled up the stairs as Y/N pushed her way past Anthony and left the guys room.


"Y/N and Anthony are fighting." Chance told Tessa when they were all around the pool. Y/N was off somewhere with Kade.

"About what?" Tessa asked Chance as Anthony came up to them.

"Y/N cheated on me." Anthony told Tessa as he sat down next to Chance.

"Are you serious?" Tessa asked in shock.

"Yeah." Anthony replied but he wasn't acting like it was an extremely big deal.

"Do you know with who?" Tessa asked Anthony.

"No." Anthony sighed.


"Who'd you cheat on me with?" Anthony asked Y/N when they got into the hotel suite.

"It's not important." Y/N told Anthony.

"It actually is." Anthony snapped back, everyone in the hotel suite heard them.

"No, it's not."

"Was it Logan?" Anthony asked because Y/N's cheated on Anthony with Logan before.

"Stop." Y/N said.

"It was him." Anthony groaned.

"Why did you cheat on me?!" Anthony asked Y/N after a minute of silence.

"Because I knew you wouldn't leave me." Y/N said as she started crying.

"Don't play the victim." Anthony told his girlfriend.

"I'm sorry." Y/N replied.

"Fuck you." Anthony groaned as he walked away from Y/N. He couldn't look at her.


"What the fuck." Anthony said to Y/N, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"What's happening?" Tessa asked Erika since Anthony woke them up. It was three in the morning.

"I think Anthony and Y/N are fighting." Erika replied.

"You have hickies all down your body and you really think I wouldn't find out." Anthony stated.

"Stop." Was Y/N's only defense.

"What posses you to go fuck Logan while your dating me and then act like you didn't do shit?"

"I've always had feelings for Logan."

"But you're dating me. You're still with me."

"Yeah, I love you." Y/N told Anthony.

"But Logan..." Anthony trailed off.

"I like him. I care about him. I'm not going to lie about that."

"He likes you too."

"But I'm still with you." Y/N replied.

"Because I keep taking you back for the past three years." Anthony told Y/N.


Y/N and Anthony couldn't sleep in the same bed so Y/N went and slept with Jake and Kade.

"Are you going to break up with him?" Kade asked Y/N as Jake wrapped his arms around Y/N, basically being a big spoon.

"I don't want to talk about it." Y/N replied. She didn't know if she should break up with Anthony or not.

"You know we're okay with what you decide to do." Jake spoke up.

"But you've hooked up with people when you and Anthony were on a break." Kade then said especially since he's one of the guys Y/N hooked up with.

"Yeah. Maybe Anthony and I are just better off as friends...or friends with benefits."

"Shut up." Jake laughed as he covered her mouth.


The morning when they were heading back to West Hollywood, Anthony and Y/N called for a break.
Y/N went in the van with Kade, Emilio, Ivan, and Nick while everyone else went on the plane because of the "fake marriages" and also because Anthony didn't want to be near Y/N.

"Nick, drop me off at Logan's." Y/N told Nick, since he was driving when they were half an hour away from West Hollywood.

"Where's Y/N?" Anthony asked when the van got home.

"Logan's." Emilio replied.

"Wow." Anthony said as he got into bed. He wanted to sleep everything off.


Y/N came home the next morning after spending the night with Logan.

Anthony was at the top of the stairs with Chance when he saw her walk in so he immediately walked back into the guys room. He didn't want to face Y/N.

"Yo, Y/N." Chance said as he headed down the stairs.

"Hey." Y/N replied as Chance got close enough to see all the hickies all over Y/N's neck and down her chest.

"Wow." Chance said as he rubbed Y/N's neck, low key hoping all the hickies were fake. He hoped Y/N used makeup to make hickies to cause Anthony to get jealous.

"Chance, they're real." Y/N replied as she moved his hand away from her neck.

"You and Anthony are just on a break." Chance said.

"Him and I have been on breaks before. He's allowed to go hang out with other people."

"Y/N, you're with Logan all the time." Chance said.

"I like him." Y/N stated.

"You also like Anthony and you're hurting him." Chance told Y/N.

"I don't have the same feelings I had in the beginning." Y/N said as tears started falling down her face.

"You can't keep ruining him. You have to be true to yourself and to him."


"Anthony, I'm sorry." Y/N was crying as her and Anthony stood in the kitchen at two in the morning.

Y/N finally mustered up the courage to finally break things off. She's been hurting Anthony too long and it wasn't fair.

"We can still be friends." Y/N then said after Anthony started crying...and Anthony never cries.

"We both know that's not true." Anthony sadly said.

"I still care about you."

"If you every truly cared about me you never would have treated me the way you have." Anthony told Y/N as he walked out.

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