Tristian Tales - Fights

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"You've got to be kidding me." Tristian said to Y/N. They were sitting in the kitchen when Y/N got a text from Logan. Logan is Y/N's best friend and Tristian did not approve.

Tristian tried to keep calm but he was fed up since last night Y/N hung out with Logan instead of her boyfriend.

"Tristian, it's not a big deal." Y/N replied as she cleared the text from her phone.

"What are you going hang out with him tonight instead of me?" Tristian asked as he got up.

"You told me I could hang out with him!" Y/N replied as she also got up.

"I said you can hang out with him or me! I said that because I thought you would choose me!" Tristian said, the volume of his voice increasing as he continued to talk.

"You really suck at communicating." Was all Y/N said but it was enough to set Tristian over the edge.

"IF YOU CHOOSE HIM OVER ME THEN WHY DON'T YOU BREAK UP WITH ME AND GO DATE HIM!!" Tristian yelled, everyone in the Team 10 house heard him.

Tristian never got mad so it was hard to believe he was the one screaming at his girlfriend.

Y/N's phone went off again with a text from Logan. Tristian and Y/N both looked at each other.

Tristian's reflexes were extremely fast as he went and grabbed Y/N's phone off the counter before she could reach it.

"You better come over tomorrow night." Tristian read the text out loud.

"I swear to god you better not be cheating on me." Tristian told Y/N when he looked up at her.

"I'm not." Y/N said, telling the truth.

"But you'd rather hang out with him instead of me."

"That's not true."

"Do you or not you not like Logan?"

"I like him as a friend."

"That's what they all say but we all know if we break up you'll go right to him." Tristian replied.

"That's not true at all." Y/N told Tristian as she looked over to the stairs where Jake was standing with Kade and Anthony pretending like they weren't listening into her and Tristian's conversation.

"I'll see you later." Y/N told Tristian as she left the kitchen and headed upstairs.


"Are you still up to hang out tonight?" Tristian asked Y/N when he walked into her room an hour later.

"I'm going to Logan's." Y/N replied as she walked past Tristian and headed down the hall.

"Why?" Tristian angrily asked as he followed Y/N.

"Because you're such a dick!" Y/N said. She hated being accused of cheating.

"I'm a dick because I don't want to get cheated on?" Tristian asked Y/N.

"I'M NOT GOING TO CHEAT ON YOU!" Y/N yelled. She finally lost it and she couldn't take Tristian's accusations of her cheating.


Jake came running upstairs with Kade to break up the fight. 

"Let's all just calm down." Kade spoke up. 

Y/N gave Kade a look like she wanted to kill him as Tristian sighed.

"I'll see you guys later." Y/N said as she looked over at Tristian.

"Call me later." Tristian told Y/N as she headed downstairs.

Jake and Kade felt awkward yet if they didn't show up Tristian and Y/N would still be fighting.

"You okay?" Jake asked Tristian.

"Yeah, as long as she doesn't leave me for your brother." Tristian replied.

"She won't." Jake said.

"You guys just need to communicate better." Kade added.

Nobody in Team 10 wanted Tristian and Y/N to fight and they especially didn't want them to break up.

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