Erika Costell - Cheating Prank

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"So I'm going to prank Jake today. I'm going to cheat on him but to make it even better I'm going to cheat on him with a girl," Erika told her vlog, "But I have to see if Y/N is down."

"Y/N, come here!" Erika yelled up the stairs.

"Coming!" Y/N yelled back as she came running down the halls and then running down the stairs.

"What's up?" Y/N asked as her and Erika side hugged.

"Are you down to help me cheat on Jake?"

"Are we going to smash?" Y/N joked.

"Yeah." Erika responded like it was obvious.

"I'm in." Y/N softly said as her and Erika pretended to go in for a kiss since Jake and one of the guys usually pretended to do that.


"So we're currently in Y/N's room," Erika told her vlog as Y/N stood in the background.

Both of them had on sleeveless shirts so when they were in Y/N's bed together it would look like they are naked.

"We got the bras and the shoes on the floor." Y/N spoke up as she pointed to the ground.

"This is like Jake's prank," Erika laughed, "Karma's a bitch!"

"Jake's going to be home in twenty minutes." Anthony said as he entered the room.

Erika got the whole team part of the plan. Anthony was the one texting Jake asking him how long until he was home every five minutes so Jake would become suspicious that something was happening at the house that he couldn't know about.


"Don't go up there!" Chad yelled when Jake entered the house twenty minutes later and headed up the stairs.

"Why?!" Jake asked as everyone started shouting.

"Jake, you really shouldn't go up there!" Chance yelled but Jake continued to walk up the stairs.

"Where's Erika?" Jake asked as he walked down the hall, Chad and Chance following her.

Jake was walking down the hall and looking into everyone's rooms, the only room without an open door was Y/N's.

"You really shouldn't go in there." Chad spoke up as he stood in front of Jake.

"Bro, move!" Jake loudly spoke as he pushed Chad out of the and barged into Y/N's room.

"What the fuck is this?!" Jake yelled in shock when he saw Erika and Y/N kissing. They went that far to make the prank even more real.

Erika and Y/N immediately broke away and acted like they were caught in a secret they've been hiding for awhile.

"I was trying to stop you!" Chad said from the doorway where him, Chance, Kade, and Anthony stood.

"You guys knew his was happening?!" Jake angrily said as he tried not to hit his friends. He couldn't believe they would let his wife cheat on him with Y/N.

Jake stomped out of the room, pushing past his friends, as Erika got out of the bed and went after Jake.

"It's not what it looks like!" Erika yelled, using the same excuse he used in his cheating prank against her.

"Are you trying to tell me your into girl's because that's what it looks like!"

"Jake, it's just a prank!" Erika admitted as Y/N, Chad, Anthony, Chance, and Kade came running down the stairs.

"So you and Y/N aren't a thing?" Jake asked Erika. He couldn't believe that Erika pranked him.

"No, we aren't." Erika laughed.

"But you guys were kissing."

"Yeah, just to prank you."

"It was really hot though." Jake laughed as him and the guys started yelling and high fiving.

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