Jake Paul - Jake or Logan?

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Jake pulled Y/N down so she was sitting between his legs on the office chair. The only other person in the office was Kade and he immediately turned away. 

"Who's better Logan or I?" Jake whispered in Y/N's ear.

"Depends on what happens tonight." Y/N suggested and Jake knew exactly what she meant.

"My parents are here. We both know that's not happening." Jake said and he sounded upset about it.

Y/N's phone then went off with a call from Logan.

"Why's he calling you?" Jake asked Y/N as he wrapped his arm around Y/N so he could lean forward and grab her phone off his desk.

"I don't know." Y/N replied as she grabbed her phone and didn't answer it since she was with Jake.

"Are you going to fuck him?" Jake immediately asked.

"Jake, stop." Y/N said as she got up and left the office since Jake was pissing her off.


"Where's Y/N?" Jake asked when he walked into his room and only his dad was in there and sitting at his desk.

"She's with Logan." His dad replied.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Jake asked.

"No. Why is it a problem?" Jake's dad asked since he was confused.

"I'm going to talk to mom." Was all Jake said since he knew his mom was the one who let Y/N go to Logan's.

"Y/N's with Logan." Jake stated when he walked into the office where his mom was.

"Yes. Is there a problem?" Pam asked as she looked at her son.

"No." Jake lied as everyone who was in the office knew Jake was lying.


"Have you been with Jake lately?" Logan asked Y/N which met has she sexually slept with Jake lately.

"No." Y/N replied as they stood in Logan's kitchen, not doing anything.

"Do you want to....?" Logan trailed off.

"Maybe later." Y/N replied because she didn't know how she felt about going from guy to guy.


Y/N was laying under a half naked and she was also half naked. Her phone that was on the nightstand rang so she leaned over and grabbed it. Erika was calling.

"Jake just left to go to Logan's with Chance and Anthony." Erika immediately said.

"Are you serious?" Y/N asked as Logan listened in on the conversation.

"Yes!" Erika said as Y/N hung up and Logan and her immediately started getting dressed. 


Y/N was standing in the bathroom and fixing her hair when there was a bang on the door. 

Logan looked over at Y/N who was ready as she walked out of the bathroom and went and sat on the couch as Jake continued to bang on the door until Logan opened it.

"Did you sleep with him?!" Jake immediately shouted at Y/N when he walked in.

"You mean right now?" Y/N asked.

"Yes." Jake replied.


"You were about to, weren't you?" Jake asked as his voice turned soft.

"Jake—." Y/N started to say.

"I can't believe you, Y/N." Jake said.

Y/N didn't know why Jake was getting so mad.

"Why are you getting so mad?" Y/N asked as Logan, Chance, and Anthony watched the encountered.

"Because I love you." Jake confessed.

Everyone went silent as Jake then walked back out of Logan's apartment.

Jake was devastated.

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