Logan Paul - Baby Daddy?

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"Hey babe." Logan said when he walked into the apartment that night after filming.

"Shhh." Y/N said as she came up to him and Logan gave her a kiss. Yet Logan was too loud when he came in, therefore Y/N's child, Luke, from a previous relationship woke up.

"Daddy!" Luke yelled as Y/N groaned. She just managed to get Luke to sleep and now he was up again all because of Logan.

"I got this." Logan said as he kissed Y/N on the forehead and headed off to get Luke to go back to sleep.


"Baby, I know we've talked about this before but we should talk about it again." Logan said after Luke fell sleep and he came into the master bedroom ten minutes later.

"What's up?" Y/N asked as she looked up at Logan.

"Luke calling me dad...That's okay with you, right?" Logan asked Y/N as he sat down in front of her and held her hands.

They've had this conversation many times before (at least once a month). He never wanted to make Y/N uncomfortable especially since he was in love with her.

"Yeah. I'm good with it— If your good with it." Y/N replied. She never wanted Logan to feel like he was forced into being her child's dad.

"I'm definitely good with it but...his actual dad—" Logan was saying until Y/N interrupted him.

"Was a dick. I'll tell him who his actual dad is and everything when he's old enough to understand but you're his true dad. You love and care about him."

"I love you so much."

"I love you too." Y/N replied as Logan passionately kissed her.


Luke woke up again when Logan was in the shower.

"Mommy, I want to sleep with you and Daddy." Luke whined to Y/N when she went into his room.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Y/N asked when she picked Luke up and Luke started playing with her hair.

"Mommy and Daddy." Was all Luke said as Y/N carried him to the master bedroom.

Logan came out of the bathroom shirtless a few minutes later.

"Daddy!" Luke yelled, getting extremely happy.

"Hey buddy." Logan replied as he laid down next to Y/N and Luke climbed off of Y/N and onto Logan's chest.

"If you could get him to fall asleep and stay asleep, you're a god." Y/N told Logan.

"What do I get in return?" Logan asked as he raised his eyebrows suggestively.

"Whatever you want." Y/N smirked which was an amazing deal to Logan because he made sure Luke went to sleep and stayed asleep the whole night.

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