Chapter 45

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During the past week of the Purple Ninja's stay in Ninjago, everyone in the house were relaxed and calm. But, the girl couldn't help but think about everything that had happened after the funeral, and after her vision had ended.

I was in a hospital. But the boys told me that I was never in one. So...what the hell did I see? Sighing, the young girl hops out of her warm bed, dreading of what was to come today. Today would be the day that I would test my fate with dad.

The girl felt tears coming into her eyes. "Get it together, Claire. You promised you wouldn't cry."

Clarinia scolded herself, gritting her teeth in annoyance. Walking over to her closet, she picked out her ninja suit, changing into it quickly. The less time I spend here, the more time I have with talking Father out of this.

Letting out a small laugh, followed by a smile, the ninja thought back to when this all started.

I was walking through the Forbidden Forest, embracing the nature around me. My dark brown hair moving in the wind... today was perfect. Almost a year ago, that stupid snake, Scales was it? I still remember when he kidnapped me and took me to the dark lord himself, Garmadon.

Smiling to herself, Clarinia subconsciously bit her lip. It's today. The words echoed in her head, bringing the girl into a short daze. A few moments later, she shakes her head. Letting out a sigh, Clarinia reaches for her sword, gripping it lazily in her hand. Her heart began to get a strange feeling...As though it knew she was missing something.

I'm going to miss Ninjago. It's too bad that this choice is mine, and not along with Mason and James. I'm hoping I'm doing the right thing. And hopefully, they'll forgive me.

Shaking her colored head once more, she leaves her room. Quickly walking downstairs, Clarinia enters the kitchen. James and Mason walk in a few minutes later, into complete silence.

I hope they won't hate me for what I do in the next few minutes.

Thinking to herself, the girl notices their weapons in their grasp. It's now or never. Then by instinct, the Purple Ninja stands up, leaving the kitchen. Hearing footsteps behind her, Clarinia turns her head. Zane puts a hand on his friend's shoulder.

What's he here for?

"Zane?" Pain filled her eyes. Why is it so hard to do this?

"Stay safe alright?"

He puts both of his cold hands on Clarinia's shoulders. Flicking her eyes from his, to his lips, the girl knew she would never come back. She pressed her lips against his cold ones. Neither figure moved for a few seconds, until the female pulled away. Okay, stupid move to pull when you're not coming back again, Claire.

Zane blushes, remembering how long it had been since something intimate had gone on between them. More specifically, when I stayed up late on the Bounty those many nights ago. Hesitantly, the girl tells the ninja in front of her what's on her mind at the moment.

"I won't see you guys again."

"Just do what you think is best." He whispers in her ear, hugging her small, scared figure. Returning the hug, the girl buries her face into his chest.

"I'll try."

Stepping back, Clarinia places her hand on the doorknob. Opening the door, she looks back at Zane, to only see the others peeking out from the kitchen. Feeling tears coming to her purple eyes, Clarinia steps out into the open cool air. It has to be done by noon. For the last time, the Purple Ninja turns her back to her family and ran.

The Purple Ninja 2: A Choice Must Be Made(Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now