Chapter 16

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Without wasting more time than she already had, Clarinia made haste. She sped back to the house she was in about an hour ago, anxiety flooding her blood stream. Though by the time she reached her house, the girl fell to the ground in pain, looking back to see her foot twisted in the opposite direction of how it's normally supposed to look. 

Luckily, the girl had grabbed for a branch that seemed to be a reasonable height and width. Without hesitating, Clarinia stands up, using the branch as a crutch to walk the last few feet to her door. The headache of course hadn't gone away yet, and it felt antagonizing.

Zane let out an inaudible sigh as he glanced between his two friends deep in thought. He was staring at Mason, watching him breathe, until Zane shifted his gaze to James.

A shadow loomed over the boys' body. "Who are you?!" The White Ninja yells readying his blade.

"You don't need to know that Zane." He disappears into the shadows. Noticing the lamp was off, Zane hurriedly turned it on. He then walked back to James's body, and picks up what seemed to be a note.

You save these two

You leave next year

So many things to get done

But so little time to do it

Tick tock

Your time's running up

You know what you must do

Do not reveal

What's not yours.

Zane rereads the note, before hearing a thump downstairs. He dropped the note, rushing to the staircase to see Clarinia on the bottom. He then rushes down and helped her to her feet. She has a twisted ankle. It doesn't look so good.

"Zane, take me to them."

Zane obediently helps her up to James's room. She took a seat by the bed while the Ice Ninja drew the blood from Clarinia. Once done, the male walked to James, and inserted the needle, and pressed down on the syringe.

After, the duo went straight over to Mason, and did the same thing. Clarinia glanced over to Mason, and noticed a slip of paper left carelessly on his nightstand. Before Zane could get to it, the girl took it, and skimmed the paper.

All good things must come to an end

Nothing lives forever

Except for those who ask the Immortal King

For he shall grant your wish for immortality

Every life saved

Is another life lost

Watch who you save

For you could be next."

No. This can't be.

The Purple Ninja 2: A Choice Must Be Made(Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now