Chapter 7

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Clarinia's POV

I felt my head throbbing in absolute pain. My vision was blurry but I was able to make out shapes. But I knew I was lying on a stone cold floor. But I felt like it was a cage.

"Isss sshhe awake?" A voice hisses.

It was a stupid snake. Then  everything came rushing back into my head. I remember what happened.


I ran home crying and hid in my room. Why the hell did I even tell them? None of this would have happened if I didn't say anything! I heard the front door open and got out of bed and went to see what they wanted. It wasn't the guys, or Sensie, or ' mom ', it was the snakes.

So I ran out of my room and climbed up the ladder leading to  the roof. And I hid. Of course, I could hear them inside, they were destroying everything, I think they were, since there was a lot of crashing and banging going on.

But I heard the roof latch break. My head turns around but  I saw no vines I could use to make a get away. I turn around and someone bashed my head to the ground.That's probably where I got my massive headache from.

"It lookss like it." Another voice says.

I heard the door creak open and someone dragged me out. Like, literally dragged me out by the collar of my shirt I was wearing. My vision decided to clear and I could see! I could see clearly now. The rain is gone. Claire, focus!

"Why are.. you doing this?" I say pausing for a breath.

"For your safety." He says.

"You're snakes for crying out loud!" I say almost yelling.

"We are destined to help you." The snake says leading me into a room with the Serpentine leaders.

He drops his scaley hand and I stand up.

"Why exactly am I here?" I asked crossing my arms.

"To negotiate with your father." Scales hissed.

The Purple Ninja 2: A Choice Must Be Made(Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now