Chapter 1

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Unlike before, the odd sense of confusion and familiarity clouded Clarinia's head. Everyone was fine. James had come back, and everyone was happy. So why had the moment have to be ruined? Was it because it was Faith? 

The thoughts sent the girl's head into an overload. Her head began pounding. Why the hell am I getting a head ache? Clarinia shut her eyes tightly, leaning forward slightly, before drawing her attention to the lighter part of the forest they were all in. There's someone who I don't like that's in this forest with us...

Who could it be? The Overlord? A new evil? A supposed evil twin sister I probably don't have?  A few seconds pass by slowly, Clarinia's mother then noticed how quiet her daughter was, and followed where she was staring at.


Oh no... I think to myself, stepping in front of my mom so she won't get hurt. I was so sure that we took care of these snake freaks a long time ago. Now we have to dance the dance all over again. Slowly, they slither out from behind a few trees. The chatter among us all ceased and I felt eyes turn to towards the unwanted guests.

"What is it that you want Scales?"

I question, narrowing my eyes at the leader of the snakes, still in front of my mother. His mouth tugs into a frown, and lets out a long, lengthy, dramatic sigh. Isn't there a purple snake named Pythor who's more dramatic than this? Wait-Who's Pythor?

"Well, young ninja. We, the serpentine are seeking your help with something."

I let out a scoff, along with my brother James, and cousin Mason. Like we would believe them. There's no way I'm going to agree to help these reptiles with their dirty work if it's the last thing I do.

"What makes you think we would help you?"

Cole asks coming to my side. My gaze flickered in his direction for a moment before focusing back onto the snake in front of me. At least Cole is being serious about this. Scales reaches behind him, and pulls out an object.


In his grasp was a necklace. Why does Scales have a necklace? The said object had specs of purple, gray, and orange, masking what seemed to be energy balls. Thinking about what the colors represented, it struck me. Spinjitzu. It represented our spinjitzus.

Mason's POV

I watch as Scales pulls out a necklace. There were 3 colors, the colors of our spinjitzu's. I thought, having the colors suddenly click with my brain. But why on Earth would he be carrying something like that? Last time I checked, snakes, especially, serpentine, don't wear necklaces.

As I kept staring at it, I felt an energy slowly consume my body. Am I going unconscious? Is this what it feels like? I felt panic slowly take over, but I didn't want anyone to call me a wimp for saying something stupid in a serious moment like this.


I couldn't even say one word, I felt a large amount of dark energy take over my brain. Have a nice nap, Mason. Darkness soon overtook my eyes, and body, and I felt myself collapse to the ground.

James's POV

I look over to Mason. A few seconds later, he falls to the ground unconsious. Well shit. I turn back to the snake and necklace. The colors of our spinjitzu's labeled on the front.

But why? It couldn't be a prophecy? Right? Something was definitely off about the whole thing. But before I could go to assumptions, an energy comes over me and knocks me out.

Clarinia's POV

There was a dark presence since it literally scared me shitless by knocking out Mason and James within a matter of seconds, whom were on the other side of Cole.  I look at the symbol on the front of this necklace. From what I can see,with the colors on the front, it was definitely a prophecy.

"Scales, why do you have a prophecy?" I ask feeling this dark energy take over my body.

"Hmm. So it is-"

He didn't finish. I suddenly hear voices ringing in my ears. Along side with a continuous ringing, like after a grenade explodes close to your body. That type of ringing.

'You will die.' 'You are the chosen one.' 'You will never see the ones you love again.'

That last one pained my heart. I will never see the ones I love again? What the hell does that mean? And what the heck did the voice mean when they said 'You will never see the ones you  love again'? I fell to the ground. A white fog clouds my vision, and I knew what was happening. But I didn't know why. But I was having a vision.


James, Mason, and Clarinia were standing somewhere that definitely wasn't Ninjago. The room was more of like a cave, but with no natural sunlight seeping its way through any cracks in the walls. Instead, the light came from torches and candles that were placed on the walls and chandeliers above.

By the time the female of the group had realized what was going on, James was holding back Mason from attacking a dark figure mere feet from her and her family.

"Listen, take me!" Mason says to a dark figure in the middle of the room.

"No," The hooded figure says in a very angry voice, "Only the one who possesses the 2 elements may go."

"Wait, but all of us possess 5 elem-"

James stopped his sentence. The dread that CLarinia had been pushing back since his vision had started, hit her hard. He wants me. Realization set in, along with a wave of panic. I have to leave everyone I love.

James didn't finish. I knew why. Or at least I think I know why.

It was me he wanted. Or what this dark figure wanted. I had to leave everyone I ever loved. Now I understand the concept of the ringing and the voices.

As I continued to watch in suspense, the scenery slowly changes to one in a hospital. I'm in a hospital?

I wake up in my room. All of a sudden I sat upright, scaring someone, everyone in the room. The ninja and my relatives were in my room. Apparently they looked shocked as well. Why? I brought a hand up to my face. It was damp with sweat.

"Wh- What happened? H- How long was I out?" I question breathing hard.

I look at each of them in curiosity. Then my eyes landed on Kai. Come on dude, tell me! As if he read my mind, Kai spoke up.

"We heard you yelling and screaming- Claire, you were out for a week." His voice shook.

"Clarinia, what happened?" Jay asks me.

I hesitated.

"I- I had another vision."  I look up at dad.

There was worry in his eyes.Did he know? Does he know? What if.. Is he keeping something from me?

"Dad, please..." I couldn't finish.

Nobody, not even Mason and James could understand what will happen. I don't even know how it will happen. But, why? Why does this have to happen? I must at least be able to do something to stop this!

The Purple Ninja 2: A Choice Must Be Made(Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now