Chapter 14

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Cole stood there, shoke overwhelming him. Father stood still as well, probably shocked a guy is in the room, and one that interrupted him. Crap. What on Earth am I supposed to do!? Think Claire think! The short amount of time I gave myself to stall was quickly running out. 

He looks like he's tired. How much sleep did he get? The room stilled. The temperature dropped a few degrees, sending chills down my body. If he's tired, then he could be delusional. I'm almost certain Cole is in a hazy state of mind right now.

"Cole. This is your imagination." I spoke in a serious tone.

Then my dad disappeared. Thank you. Cole snapped out of it and I walked downstairs. I was feeling much better.

"Oh, what did you want to talk about Cole?"

Cole then lit up like a Christmas tree. "Oh! I saw Kai kissing another girl. You can ask Nya about it."

The Purple Ninja's heart dropped.

"Oh. I saw Kai kiss another girl. Ask Nya. It was right after we all left."

No... I look at Cole in disbelief. But he looked at me with sad eyes. I stormed out and saw Kai kissing another girl.

"Kai?" I ask.

"Clarinia?" He asks looking at me shocked.

"We're over." Before he could respond, Zane, Jay, and Cole came.

"Clarinia..." Kai started.

"I don't care. Your words mean nothing. And after everything we've done, the charm...I knew it."

Her voice didn't crack, the tears from her eyes threatening to spill. The action hadn't gone unnoticed by the mystery girl standing next to Kai. She merely smirked.

The Purple Ninja 2: A Choice Must Be Made(Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now