Chapter 43

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Clarinia's POV

I stood in front of them, my hood covering most of my face. Well, there's no going back now. Reaching up slowly, I grasp the dark fabric on my head, nervousness, and guilt pumping through my body. Their eyes flicker between each other, and myself. Slowly, I slip the hood back off my head, fixing my hair.

My abnormal purple colored eyes grazed each of their own eyes. The wind blew slightly, my multicolored brown hair blowing slightly with it. My arms dropped down to their respective sides, my breathing slowed to a normal pace. One of them pains me the most. Lloyd...Oh Lloyd. I'm so sorry for being gone for so long.

"Claire? I-Is it really you?"

A broken smile appeared on my face, tears brimmed my eyes. I nod my head, suddenly having a feeling of hugging my little cousin. He steps back, shock filling his eyes. "Who else do you know who can make an entrance?" I laugh lightly, my smile faltering into a thin line.

Narrowing my eyes slightly, the door to my old house opens. 4 figures step out, looking between Lloyd, Garmadon, and myself. Jay, Cole, Zane, and Kai. Oh my, they've gotten more attractive. My mouth parts open slightly, before closing again. Jay sends a glare my way, balling his fists. Oh fuck. I'm in trouble now.

"You better explain yourself Clarinia Marie Wu."

That bastard used my full name...Crap I really am in trouble. Smiling awkwardly, I lift my hand up, and rubbed it at the nape of my neck. A growing blush appeared on my cheeks, the boys looking at Jay who was looking directly at me with a glare.

"What's going on out here?"

A new voice speaks, multiple footsteps being heard, before 2 more familiar figures appeared before me. Familiar eyes met my own as they dropped the weapon from their grasp. 

"Claire?" Mason asks in shock.

"Hey." I say.

"Listen to me!" Garmadon yells.

We all jump at his voice. And we all had our weapons out.

"Listen. I'm only trying to warn you what happens in the future." He says.

"Future?" Zane says.

"Clarinia, James, Mason. The visions from almost a year ago?"

No. I-I can't believe I haven't been paying attention to the months! How could I have been so clueless!?

"You were there too. In the shadows." I say a bit came back into my head.

"Yes. I traveled to the future to see what would unfold." He says.

"Then you know what happens. What my choice is." I say looking up at him.

"Yes. But I cannot tell you. But you have to find Kai and Nya. They are trapped and cannot leave unless you save them from a lost soul." He explains.

I look up at the sky. I saw darkness beginning to form.

"Tomorrow at noon. You have 24 hours to save Kai and Nya before they're lost as well." Garmadon says before disappearing.

Kai's POV

This is so boring!

"Nya? Ugh, I'm so bored!" I say

"Well we can't leave. So shut up." She says entering my room.

Nya's POV

He's so annoying I swear! I enter his room and sit at the edge of his bed.

"I bet you the boys are planning to get us right now." I say comforting him.

"They better be." He grumbles.


Clarinia's POV

We finally had a plan and we put it to action. We rode our elemental vehicles to the shop. Since I knew where they were kept.

"Kai? Nya?" I call out.

No answer. I walk up to the closed doors and readied my weapon.

I swung my weapon on the doors and they broke. I kicked the remains and enter the shop with the others trailing behind me.

"Kai!? Nya!?" Jay calls out.

I then look upstairs. I felt an energy and checked all the rooms. All but one. I opened it and saw Kai and Nya.

The Purple Ninja 2: A Choice Must Be Made(Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now