Chapter 6

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Zane's POV

I finally got everything we needed. The trip to Jamonikai Villiage was a bit.. I'd have to say sketchy. Since, most of the town's people weren't even there to begin with. But I'm back home, and that's all that matters. I walk back and open the doors to the monestary. I saw Clarinia hugging Mason and James, while crying?

She then proccedes and says something but I couldn't hear or make out what it was she told the two. I then saw the other 4 ninja come outside and that's when Clarinia runs out of the monastary, accidentially bumping into me.

"S- Sorry Zane."

She stutters, running down the steps. I look back up at them. So I rush inside the monestary with the items in hand and drop them off in the kitchen and slowly made my way outside where the guys were in a circle.

"She- She said that she must join the overlords' side." James says, running a hand through his hair.

"The new evil is rising." Jay says, slowly putting the pieces together I suppose.

"But.. why?" I ask making them jump.

"James and Clarinia, they aren't Sensie's children." Mason explains.

"What about your mother?"

Cole asks looking at James. Something at that moment made me get a strange feeling that something bad was coming, and very soon. Suddenly, the atmosphere changed from happy and warm to evil and cold.

"We have to get Clarinia!"

Kai shouts making everyone look at him. There wasn't any reason to yell when we're right next to him. We all then rush to the stairs and jump off the edge. My blade then transforms into my old motorcyle. As we landed on the grass, I rush to the base with the others right behind me.

Kai's POV

Oh god. Please, please, pleeeaaaaaasseeee let her be okay. I mean, we are a couple. Way to go Kai! Wait, snap out of it! We drove quickly past a few trees, until the scenery became familiar. We then reach her base and saw the broken door and a body. I rush off my vehicle and to the body. It was their mother, but she was still breathing.

I rush into the house and it was dead silent. I look in every room looking for her, but everything was broken or on the floor. My hope and luck was running low, when I checked the last room.

As I walked out the room, I saw the roof door opened a little. It was a possibility... I climb up the ladder and open the door carefully and look around. I saw blood. Oh no. I climb onto the roof and look around a bit more. I saw her flute and sword on the ground. No, NO!

"They took her. I'm not going down without a fight!" I stomp my foot on the roof.

The Purple Ninja 2: A Choice Must Be Made(Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now