Chapter-28 : The Chase Begins

Start from the beginning

I barely resisted myself from shouting to avoid people's glances once again.
Ya Allah, I'll probably start sobbing again if he does something like yesterday night.

Praying heart and soul, I put my earphones on and played Surah Yunus. Ya Allah shower your mercy on me!!! Please don't let him interfere in my life at least today! But little did I know that my prayer was going to be unanswered.

We reached in fifteen minutes as our hotel was not very far from the beach side.

Getting down from the bus, my eyes surreptitiously took a circular glance around me but found that guy no where. A sigh of relief was let out of my chest immediately as I was almost sure to espy him somewhere near. But the fact is I don't think he has gone back to Dhaka though he should have by now. The evening yesterday was completely a disaster. I had shooed him away as much as I could and reproached him for staying in the same hotel as mine. But what can I do if he wanders around the beach alone? I don't own the beach, do I?

"Shayba come quick! Look it's a crab!" Nadia's happy exclamation made me turn to the beach as I smilingly followed her.

"It's so beautiful you see!"

I stared down only to find two beautiful red crabs indulging into the sandy beach. SubhanAllah!

Roaming around with the girls, it was obligatory to take pictures, buy some snail key rings and local jewelries. Wearing a floral crown over each of our heads, we finally sat on the beach chairs to give us some rest.

"Hey! I wanna drink that."I pleaded pointing at the little boy who was selling coconut milk nearby."I'm thirsty!"

"Yeah me too."Farhana whined,"Nads grab us some!"

"Yeah yeah, definitely your majesty. Always I'm the one who has to run your errands."saying this, she went away as we focused on the pictures I took today in my camera.

"That's cute!"Shelly pointed at one of Nadia's photos.

"Yeah that one too."

"Oh look! How funny Biva is looking in the background! What was she up to?" we all burst into laughter teasing Biva with her awkward position in the photo background when Nadia arrived with three big coconuts hardly handling with her forearms as she pressed them against her chest.

"Here you go."she handed me one.

"Oh can't thank you enough for this Nads!"I exclaimed as I swallowed up one mouthful, "Yum! It's so sweet!"

She smirked as I took another sip of it and then uttered, "Don't thank me. Thank your fiance for the treat."

I got struck with a bolt as I heard her, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?"

She answered sneering, "When he heard it was you who wanted to drink this, he forcefully paid the bill. No, trust me. I really refused to take it but he coerced."

My jaw dropped and breathe accelerated as the circumstances got on my nerves now.

"I'm not drinking this. I'm sorry. Shelly take that." I momentarily handed it over.

"Oh come on Shayba! It's just a coconut! What's wrong with him paying the bill?"

"There's no way I'm going to take his offerings. Why don't you understand that Nadia? It's not like we are related in any way."

"Yeah. But even so he is trying so hard to impress you! Give him a chance..."

"Enough."I cut her off raising my palm, "You all do whatever you want. But don't drag me in this! PLEASE!!"

She sighed.

This topic was covered up until it was lunch time. Rashed bhai handed us all our food coupons. We stood in the line to collect our packets from Zawad bhai. When it was my turn, he was going to extend his hand with the food parcel when all on a sudden he glanced behind me and stopped in the midway as his jaw abruptly clenched and eyes shone in anger.

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