Chapter Thirty Seven

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"W-What do you mean, done with me?" 

"We're over." Within seconds, Jason had switched from sad to angry.

"I think you'll find I'm the only person who can end this relationship!" He spat in my face, pushing me up against the wall and holding me firmly there by my waist. I gulped.

"You promised you wouldn't hurt me again, and you did." I retorted. Jason growled, throwing me to the floor like I was a piece of trash.

"YOU DON'T DO ANYTHING WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!" He screamed. He paced around for a brief few seconds before grabbing me and pulling me up by my hair. 

"Jason!" I gasped.

"DON'T SAY ANYTHING!" He spat, pushing me along the corridor. I found myself at the door which leads into the basement. Is he seriously going to put me in there? The door was harshly opened before I was pushed down the stairs. The room was dark, only a slight light coming from the small window. The door slammed and locked, leaving me in the cold, damp room. After waiting a few minutes, I got up and headed over to the window, pushing it open gently. To my surprise, it opened. I almost cheered with joy as I began to slowly and gently climb out of the window and onto the ground outside. As I looked up, I noticed that I was under the window of Jason's office at the front of the hous Jason might and probably will be in his office, so I'm not risking anything. Trying my best to stay un-noticed, I crawled beneath the window, sighing of relief when I was able to stand up. What do I do now? I smiled, when a plan finally came into my head. I crept back round to the back of the house where I snuck into the kitchen, taking Jason's car keys. Silently, I shut the doors and headed to the garage, opening the car and getting in. I was just putting my seatbelt on, when I noticed a familiar, unwanted presence. Jason's smirk was creepy, almost as if he had been waiting for me to do this. He opened the door as I crawled over to the passenger seat. 

"Oh sweetheart." He mumbled. "So now I have to lock that window too? I thought I could trust you." The question was rhetorical, his later statement dripping with sarcasm. I opened my door and got out, trying in a desperate attempt to run away, but it was useless. After just a few steps, Jason had already caught me and was carrying me back into the house. I ended up back in the room I had just escaped from minutes earlier. The wind was knocked out of me when my back came in contact with the floor after I was thrown down by Jason. He moved over to the window, finding a way to lock it, somehow. I sighed silently as he headed back over in my direction, as I crawled away. "You never learn do you?" I stayed silent, so Jason slapped me. "ANSWER ME!" 

"NO!" I screamed back. "YOU NEVER FUCKING LEARN EITHER! IF YOU WEREN'T SUCH A DICK THEN MAYBE I WOULDN'T RUN AWAY SO OFTEN!" Tears were uncontrollably streaming down my face, I honestly didn't think me and Jason would be in this situation again. Jason was taken back by my outburst.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that!" He hissed, once more using my throat to pin me to the wall. 

"Why? Because you can't face the truth?" He pushed even harder on my throat.

"I CAN KILL YOU RIGHT NOW!" He reminded. 

"Do it." I said. "I don't want to be here, with an abusive monster. You're dead to me Jason." He growled and released my throat, charging up the stairs.

"There's going to be some new rules in this house, and new punishments!" He snapped, slamming the door shut. 

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