Chapter Eight

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I sat quietly in the car, fiddling with my fingers as Jason drove us to the mall. I don't know Las Vegas, at all. I stared out of the window, watching the buildings and landscape go by.

"We won't be too much longer." Jason muttered. I nodded, not replying. "You know you are allowed to speak?" I muttered a 'mhm,' I swear this kid is bipolar. Jason sighed and continued driving.

We pulled up at the mall, finding a parking space near the front. When we got inside, it was packed. People everywhere, rushing around to all different stores, cutting you off as you walked. Jason grabbed my arm and pulled me to a corner. I didn't say anything, and instead just stared at him, waiting for him to say something. He held out a pair of sunglasses. I took them out of his hand, examining them.

"What are these for?" I said quietly.

"Just put them on, hide your identity." Jason waited for me to put them on, watching my closely as I did. I walked away. Jason grabbed my hand and pulled me back, so that I was now walking beside him. He laced our fingers together tightly, "just act like we're together, don't draw attention to yourself." He mumbled huskily.

"That'll be three hundred and eighty four dollars please." Jason shot me a small glare, inserting his credit card in. He paid for it and grabbed all the bags, from our final shop.

"I've spent enough on you." He spat at me, as if I was dirt. "Go to the car." I gulped and walked out, with Jason hot on my tail. He unlocked his white ferrari, lifting open the boot. He snatched the bags out of my hand and threw them in, pushing me around to my side of the car.

I walked in Jason's house and gently placed my bags down on the floor in the kitchen. Then, there was a huge clatter behind me. I knew it was Jason, so I didn't even bother looking. A hand gripped onto my shoulder and spun me around.

"You went a bit overboard!" Jason growled. He told me to get what I wanted.

"But-" My hair flung across my face as my body was thrown to the floor. He slapped me.

"DON'T BACK CHAT ME!" Now I was beginning to wish I had listened to Cara when she told me about him.. "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" He screamed. I pulled myself up off the floor, using the counter to help myself. The second I stood up, my back was smashed into the wall. I groaned, knowing that he had just knocked the wind out of me. He glared at me for a few moments, before slamming my body into the wall one last time, and walking away. Immediately after he left the room, I darted for the front door. Without even checking, I ran out. I had no idea where I was going, but I knew that I wasn't staying there anymore.

My legs ran as fast as they could, my breathing quickly picking up its pace as I ran along the quiet road. There were tress either side of me, and not a car in sight. From where I was, it was hard to even see Jason's house. I ran to the point where I couldn't breathe. I had no energy, and there was no way I could continue. Using my common sense, I walked to the side of the road adn hid in the trees and brush, trying my best to catch my breath so that I could run further. I gasped as I heard an engine roar, and a white ferrari zoom past. Still panitng, I ran fruther into the woods that were surrounding me. My legs throbbed, and my lungs gasped for air. I turned around, and saw Jason's car stopped on the road. I could see him in his car, looking at his phone. The tracker! He'll have it hooked up to his phone. Tears streamed down my face, I knew he would find me. His car reversed back. and stopped directly in line with where I was. If I could of ran, I would have, but I just simply didn't have the energy to do so.

Jason's car door opened, and slammed shut again. He walked through the woods, he was heading straight for me. There was a fairly large thorn bush beside me, and I had no choice. I ducked to the floor and rolled beneath the bush, getting scratched and stabbed multiple times as I did. The sound of crunching leaves edged closer to me, my heartbeat speeding up each time I heard one.

"What the fuck?!" Jason's voice muttered. He was standing right beside me. My eyes were perfectly level with his supras, as he stood just millimeters away from me. I held my breath in a desperate attempt that he wouldn't hear me, and he's hardly going to go looking in a thorn bush for me. His footsteps turned around and headed back towards his car, allowing me to finally breathe out the air I had been holding in. I didn't realise just how loud it was. Jason's footsteps charged back, as a single tear streamed down my face once more. He bent down and grabbed onto my hair, pulling me out from under the thorn bush. "Forget about your tracker?" The devilish smirk on his face worried me for what was about to come next.

Is he going to beat me again? Or worse?


He pulled me up to my feet and walked me to the car, using nothing but my hair to keep grip on me. My body was laid flat across his back seats as he shut the door. He probably has child locks in the back.. He got on the front and pressed a button on his car keys, locking all the doors. He played with his phone for a few minutes, as I lay there still trying to catch my breath. For some reason, Jason wasn't angry. He seemed quite calm about this, and that made me worry even more. He threw his phone onto the passenger seat and sluipped in his keys, driving back to his house.

The back door opened as he dragged me out of the car by my feet. He flung me over his shoulder and locked his car, heading towards his house. He carried my up the stairs and flung me onto the bed in my room and hovered over me. That's when everything hit me.

"N-no Jason please don't!" I pleaded, trying my best to wriggle from beneath his grip, but he was far too strong.

"You need to be punished." He said, as his hand slid under my top. I grabbed onto his wrist before it could reach my breast and pulled it out. He chuckled and looked me dead in the eye. His smirk was present once again on his face. "I'm going to enjoy this." He said, as he began kissing my neck.


Jason slid his sweatpants back on and looked at me, as if I was nothing. Tears were streaming down my face, as I tried my best to cover myself up. I couldn't dare make eye contact with him, not after what he had just done. I sniffed once more and looked straight at the ceiling.

"Stop crying you'll get over it soon." He said as he grabbed his shirt from the floor. My clothes were all scattered across the floor, all around the bed.

"You make me sick! You're an absolute pig!" I spat at him.

"Watch your mouth sweetheart, you're practically asking for it again." He smirked. I didn't say anything, and instead just looked at him. I've never had so much hatred for a person in my life, ever. He left the room, not saying another word.

Soon after, he returned with a bowl of noodles. He sat down on the bed and turned around, so he was looking straight at me. He held out the bowl and the fork for me, but I just pushed them away.

"I'm not hungry." Eating was the last thing on my mind. I feel so dirty.

"So you're going to starve?" Jason asked.

"Better than being here with you." I spat back at him. He stood up and was about to leave, but he turned back around.

"Get some clothes on, you're coming with me somewhere." I shook my head. His face turned to that of a shocked one. "Excuse me? Get some clothes on, you're coming with me-"

"I heard you, dipshit." I spat, but quickly realised what I said. His face turned to fury.

"DO YOU WANT TO FUCKING REPEAT THAT!?" He screamed, and paused for a few moments. "Didn't think so."

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