Chapter Twelve

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The police officer rang the doorbell to my home and waited. It wasn't long before my mom answered. She had bright red eyes and bags beneath them, as well as dry tear stains on her cheeks. The police officer moved out of the way, and her face lit up like a christmas tree.

"HONEY YOU'RE HOME!" She screamed, leaping out the door and wrapping her arms around me. "What happened to you? Are you okay?' I shook my head.

"Not really." I could feel the tears starting to form in my eyes. She squeezed me one final time before pulling away.

"We'll get this sorted, okay? We'll find out who did this to you."

"In fact ma'am," The police officer butted in. "That's why I'm here to talk to you." She allowed me to get into the house, before she allowed the officer in too.

"Miss Mariee was kidnapped, by Jason McCann." Both my mother and sister's jaws dropped. Everyone knew who he was, he was the most wanted criminal in the world. "He took her, from your home to Las Vegas, where he has held her captive for a week. Would you like me to tell them about what has happened to you?" He asked as he looked to me. I nodded and looked down. "Your daughter was assulted, both sexually and physically." I heard a gasp. "We are currently on the search for Mr. McCann, as we have been for six years now. Marissa has given us a lot of evidence about his location, she's been a great help." I couldn't even force a smile.

"Has she already been checked out?"

"I was checked by the nurses at the airport, I'm fine." My mother sighed of relief.

"Good. Thank you officer."

"Anything, call your local station."

"We will." My mother replied as she escorted him out. Sarah got up from the couch and sat beside me, hugging me.

"I'm so sorry baby sis." Neither her or my mom has ever been this nice to me, and I've never been this upset. I've always been the loud, bubbly girl that everyone loves and can never shut up. Now.. Jason has ruined my life. I hugged back, of course.

"I hate him so much." I muttered.

"You have a right too."

"I don't know how I didn't pick up on it. The way he spoke to me at that party, when he followed me home and moved in across the street.." I trailed. My sister rubbed my back, but then a sudden thought scared me. "Has someone else moved in across the street?" I snapped my head up.

"No, why?" I began heavy breathing.

"He's gonna come back and take me again." My whole body trembled with fear, I've never felt so scared in my life.

"We won't let him, or anyone do anything like that to you again." I nodded, but still not fully encouraged.

"And then I came back home." I finished explaining the whole story to my mother and sister, everything, never missing out a single detail about what happened whilst I was gone. I even told them about what happened at school and at the party, how Jason lived across the street and what him and his friend were talking about that night I was sitting on my balcony.

"We've never been so scared, thank god you got away from him." My mother replied.

"But there's a huge problem." I cried. "He's gonna come back." She shook her head.

"He won't, the police will find him." I shook my head.

"He'll be back tomorrow, I know it." My mother shook her head at me and hugged me, meanwhilst my sister did the same.

"Don't worry."


I woke up, in my own bed. My balcony doors were locked shut, but my curtains were open ever so slightly. Either my mom or sister had already been to check on me. I streched out my body, and got out of bed. I headed over to my balcony and pulled open the curtains just that little bit more. From across the street, I could see a black range rover parked outside of Jason's house. People were going in and out, collecting and taking in stuff. One of them turned around, so I quickly hid. I went downstairs, and found my mom and Sarah watching TV. They both shot me heart-warming smiles as I walked into the room.

"How are you?" My mom asked me, muting the TV so that I could speak.

"Still shaken up." I replied honestly, "and there's some guys going in and out of his house." I said slightly worried. My mom looked out of the window. I was almost behind her, and even I saw her eyes widen to the size of golf balls. "What's the matter?" Panic took over me. I knew why.

Jason was already back.

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