Chapter Eleven

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My eyes fluttered open and adjusted to the light that was slicing through the trees. My back was propped up against a tree, my bag beside me. I opened my back-pack, and pulled out an apple, just one of the many foods I had stolen from Jason's fridge. I began eating it as I walked, occasionaly dusting off leaves that stuck to my trousers. I was very close to the centre of Vegas now, and I'd easily be able to find some help.

About half an hour later I found myself walking through the streets of Vegas. I saw a bike shop, with an old man outside. He smiled at me as I walked over.

"Can I help you there?" He asked kindly. I nodded.

"Can you please tell me where the nearest police station is?" He nodded, and pointed up the road.

"You see where those traffic lights are?" I nodded. He had a very strong country accent. "You see the turning behind there?" I nodded once more. "Walk down there and turn, then the police station is just down the road."

"Thank you so much." I said grateful that he had actually helped me to escape from hell. He smiled and waved me off as I speed walked down the road. I turned the corner, and saw a huge building. That's surely the station. Just as I was approaching, a cop car pulled up beside me. A man and a women got out. "Excuse me?" I stopped them as they were about to walk in. Now how do I word this?

"May we help you miss?" The male police officer asked kindly. I nodded, struggling to get my words out. "Okay, how about you come into the station and you can tell us?" I nodded my head, as I was lead in.

"So you were kidnapped by Jason McCann?" The woman finished. I told her about everything that happened, including what he did. I nodded my head, more tears flooding my eyes. "And he didn't do anything else?"

"He p-put a tracker in my arm so that he could f-find me if I escaped." I told her, stuttering on my words a lot.

"We need to get that removed and disposed of now." She said sternly, as she stood up. She signalled me to follow her, which I did. The wound hadn't completely healed, making it hurt more when they took it out. "Okay, now that's being sorted would you like to come back in here?" She held open the solid, thick metal door as I walked in and she followed. I sat in the exact same place, fiddling with my fingers and staring down at my lap. "I know this may seem a lot for you, but could you possibly tell us the location of Jason and his gang?" I looked up at her.

"I don't know exactly, I'm from LA I don't know this area well." She nodded, understanding.

"Anything, anything at all would be a great help sweetheart." She was kind and understanding, she's even planning on getting me back to LA by this evening.

"Well both of them, Jason's and his gangs' houses are surrounded by woods. The houses are in the last place you would think of, and you wouldn't see them unless you drove into the woods. They're about ten minutes drive, and about thirty minutes walk away." She smiled at me.

"Thank you so much Miss Mariee, you've been such a great help. I smiled small as I looked up from my lap.

"We can organise you onto a flight tonight back to LA. Of course, we will send one of our offices with you until you make it home safely." I nodded my head. "The next flight is in an hour, and we can get you there by then. If you're ready.." She trailed. I nodded.

"I know it's barely been a week, but I just want to go home."

"As you would." She replied. Once again, she held open the door for me and allowed me to walk out first. "You've been such a great help. We've been searching for Jason McCann for almost six years now." I smiled slightly.

"I'm glad I could help.." I trailed slightly, as I was guided out and into a car with a police officer, where I began to make my way to the airport.

I can't believe I'm finally going home.

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