The Royal Tutor Manga vs. Anime

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So, after reading the manga in like 3 days, I can finally compare the manga and the anime. 

I now tell that the anime was promotional for the manga. Expertly done I might say. 

Quick spoiler warning before I start.

52 chapters in 3 days seems ridiculous am I right. Well, I did skim through some chapters because they were already in the anime. The anime is very faithful by the way, when it comes to these chapters. Word for word almost. 

That's only adds up to like 10 chapters though. So technically it was 42. 

Those 42 chapters fucking shook me. 

I found that the anime made up its own ending because the manga is still going. 

Now the actual comparison. 

The anime puts more equal emphasis on other characters that aren't the princes. The manga focuses incredibly on the princes. There's literally like 6 chapters where Licht is thinking about leaving the fucking palace and bam, he leaves. And then suddenly, they're all gone. Poor Leo is left alone. 

Also Princes Eins shows up more. He's a total fucking dick, my god. 

"Ha y'all fucking suck, Rosenburg, can u go fuck up everything?" That's him the entire time. I fucking cheered when Victor said he didn't see Eins as a suitable heir. And he has a point, because the motherfucking king would not stop siblings with their chance at the throne. A fucking king would grow the fuck up and learn how to compliment his siblings. 

So, in the manga he's the main villain.

While in the anime, the main conflict is Heine's past. Which is vaguely hinted at in the manga. I love that entire chapter where Heine literally fucks with Licht about it. 

Now to the characters. They're surprisingly portrayed differently. 

In the manga they're more fleshed out, but I feel Heine is way more fleshed out in the anime. And not because we find out his past but because he's given more time. There's a lot of scenes in the anime that were specific to the anime. Like the brief scene in the garden with Leo and Bruno is specific to the anime. 

Heine's character is more expressive and different in this way I can't describe. You have to read the manga to understand the difference. 

The princes are pretty much the same. The princess gets more time and when Heine fucking takes her for a lesson, it's great. Heine x the princess confirmed lmao. 

You also get some fucking new characters. Like Kai's fiance which I understand why they left her out. She was basically unimportant. Kai's fucking FRIEND. I'm so proud of him! His friend is actually important though. 

Also, the King, Victor. I love him. He's such a dad. I love that he gets more time in the manga. I love that he cries so much. It's like, me too fam. 

A nice touch that I liked that was shown more, was that when Victor and Heine were alone, Heine would drop the formalities. Which makes some fucking sense. 

Reading the manga after knowing Heine's past is nice. And I know for a fact that his past given in the anime is canon because the evidence shown in the manga leads to it. 

ALSO, the manga has me shipping Victor and Heine way harder now. It has me doing that thing where so much as a look indicates something. Whoops. 

The entire manga has gay undertones I stg. 

So yeah, I recommend reading the manga!

Personally, I find the anime to be better because it's more focused but I love both. 

I actually like Heine in the anime more than in the manga. I don't know what is it but yeah. 

Heine is my favorite character btw. 

now we've reached the end of this book. Expect me to shit out another stuff book soon. 

this book has been one hell of a ride. thank god, I finally get to start anew. I want to let go of the past and leave it out there. 

Stuff 2 coming soon.

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