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Do you like contests? Do you like being in contests? 

Well I got a contest for you!

Unlike the failed one that was last year to write depressing shit. (RogueNeko u won that one btw i forgot to tell u) 

This one can probably work I'm not sure. 

I hope. 

ANYWAY, what is it??? you may or may not be asking

idk i can't read ur mind

so the contest

Write a one-shot that will make me feel something. 

You're goal is to make me emotionally connect with the characters. And let me tell you, it's not easy. 

It can be funny, light-hearted, depressing, sad, scary. Anything. You just have to make me feel something. Crack a smile, cry, give me paranoia that will last for days and give me ptsd.

That sounds stupidly simple. 

So here's the catch. 

The minimum word count is 700 words. No less. It can be fanfiction or an original story but you have to flesh out the characters. So, it has to be character driven. Ships are fine. 

And you better try your hardest because I will judge these critically. And criticism is something I am very good at. 

I could easily tell you that the Mortal Instruments series has interesting concepts but fails in character development and by the fourth book it becomes a twilight clone. I could tell you why the ending to the Selection series is bullshit but it starts out fairly strong even though it give a bullshit reason as to why she would enter the contest in the first place not to mention the shitty love triangle not making any sense. I could go on. 

I will break down your story and characters thoroughly. 

but don't be scared, take it as a challenge to improve. 

plus I'm gonna go a bit easy on it alright. 

that's why your goal is to make me feel something with what you write. Your goal is to break apart my wall as a critic and leave me thinking about what you wrote afterwards. That is what all writing should do in my opinion. 

So rewards!

First place- You win over my heart so you get all the praises i can give. I will do anything you ask me to do from writing something for you, advice, draw, anything. You will also get the option to appear on that podcast i want to fucking do holy fuck shit-but that's optional. You will also get the privilege of picking one of something I'm writing and get early access to that. 

Second place- You probably will also win over my heart so you get everything that first place gets minus me doing anything you want. Yeah that part's specific to first place but hey, at least you could appear on the podcast and get early access to something you like!

Third place- I will write anything you request even if its for something I don't really know about. I have no shame I will even write the kinkiest smut you ask me to. 

You have a 2 months meaning that by August 30th you gotta have it done. To enter all you gotta do is write it, publish it, and tag me in it. 

pls do this pls

also someone please tell me you can join my podcast please i just need one more person please just pm me pls!!!!

StuffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora