I Know I'm Obsessed

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I know I'm obsessed but just shut up and let me post about this gay ass anime I love it too much

Can we just talk about this picture thoLike, wtf made JJ think Yuri of all people would have such a smug ass look like goddamn dude

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Can we just talk about this picture tho
Like, wtf made JJ think Yuri of all people would have such a smug ass look like goddamn dude

Moving on...

This is too accurate thoFrom confidence to nearly breaking down about sums it all up Also I cried at the fact that even though JJ did horribly, even though the pressure was getting to him, he still had confidence to keep it together even if it was...

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This is too accurate tho
From confidence to nearly breaking down about sums it all up
Also I cried at the fact that even though JJ did horribly, even though the pressure was getting to him, he still had confidence to keep it together even if it wasn't fully
He deserves so much for that

Moving on...time for me to nerd out about animation

time for me to nerd out about animation

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This is actually fucking impressive. I know it's like a still shot anyway but each still shot has importance in this anime. Like goddamn, imagine how long it took for them to put that shit in that small ass eye

Moving on...

Yeah pretty much

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Yeah pretty much

Moving on...time for a discussion

So I want to talk about this for a moment

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So I want to talk about this for a moment. It actually doesn't change anything in the picture because Victor actually says that he could surprise anyone anymore. That his performances were becoming repetitive  and he was at a loss of inspiration and motivation. That was the overall of what he said. Either way he felt trapped and chained down to the repetition where he just didn't know how to surprise anyone. So then the banquet happened. Yuri asked him to be his coach. And then he saw the video of Yuri skating perfectly. So, he was even more interested than he already was because, ya know, he kinda like, fell in love with Yuri during the banquet.
So he went surprising everyone. Even though he was trying to recreate the night of the banquet with Yuri but along the way he found inspiration and motivation to skate. All thanks to Yuri. He's starting to miss being out there on the ice and Yuri knows that. But all that also helped Yuri gain confidence and skill and love.
This is all really cool because amazing story telling and complex character building. This is what makes this show so great. The character focus helps it convey such a story where you have to put together the pieces and see that these characters are more than what they seem. There are a lot of motivations in this show than just love or a need to win.
This fucking anime is impressive in every way.

Moving on...

Can we PLEASE talk about Yuri with slicked back hair and glasses because THATS SOME GOOD SHIT RIGHT THERE MAN

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Can we PLEASE talk about Yuri with slicked back hair and glasses because THATS SOME GOOD SHIT RIGHT THERE MAN

Coming soon...more about this anime because I'm garbage

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