Thinking About the YOI movie

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So I keep thinking about the movie..

And I like to imagine that the opening scene will be like the first episode in which it's both Victor and Yuuri skating to a song and it's just cutting back and forth between them as the opening credits show up and then their skate ends with them stopping right in front of each other and they stare at each other for a moment before breaking in big goofy smiles.

"It's coming along." Victor says happily.

"It is." Yuuri smiles widely and proudly.

"You two are so annoying." Yurio interrupts but he's wearing the faintest smile. Mira just comes in smiling. A bit of Georgi being extra. Then, Lilia and Yakov just barely walking in and you immediately know shit's about to happen because serious training.

Then it cuts to some random point after practice where they're all just chillin. And they're talking about how their hyped to compete. And at one point, Victor and Yuuri are walking home together, and Victor gets serious.

"I'm honestly nervous." He says and looks at Yuuri. "That's never happened before."

"Don't worry too much, you'll do great." Yuuri looks as him. "Probably even better." And they both kinda smile at each other.

But throughout it, Victor's hiding how anxious he really is. He holds it back for Yuuri's sake, or at least that's what he tells himself.

Then it jumps into the competitions.

All three come in different places in each competition. The world kind shocked at Victor coming in second or third or even fourth. It gets to Victor a bit.

And then, one day before lets say...the GPF, Victor's acting really distant. Yuuri confronts him about it. Victor refuses to talking about it.

They get into a fight.

The next day, Yurio notices, in fact, everyone notices and they're all like "wtf happened???"

Phichit and Yurio especially notice this and concern rises. So Yurio goes to Victor and Phichit goes to Yuuri.

They get nothing. Victor and Yuuri keep avoiding each other.

Yuuri is up before Victor. Victor doesn't watch. At first. Everyone says stuff about it that catches his interest. Yuuri's skating with this never-before-seem fierceness. And that fades into a more sad type of movement.

And Yuuri's done. He walks over and passes by everyone mumbling to himself. He sits down away from everyone else.

Victor's up as Yuuri's doing that. His nerves hit him. I'm nervous. Why am I nervous? Goes through his head as he's about to begin. The music starts. He realizes. Yuuri. Yuuri's causing his anxiousness. He can't fuck this up-not now. As he's skating his eye catches Yuuri. Yuuri's out of it. Victor realizes that he's caused Yuuri to be like that.

He finds himself crying. And he starts skating the best he can. An apology to Yuuri. When he's done, his mind goes blank for the slightest second and remembered Yuuri. He looks at Yuuri in the stands and sees him gone. He frowns and goes to leave the ice and he sees Yuuri there. Yuuri straight up kisses him right then and there.

Everything gets resolved. And as it's ending we see their exhibition skate for that year who knows what it would be, we hear that they're both retiring.

I don't know what happened but I got way too into that and that's only the skeleton of what I think.

I'm in too deep.


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