One Punch Man and It's Comedy

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So I finally got into One Punch Man and I absolutely love this goddamn ridiculous anime. It's possibly one of the best I've seen.

My favorite aspect about it is how it's basically a commentary on the tropes in a lot of anime. Which is why I think the anime works so well. It helps show how funny and ridiculous anime really is and I love it for that. It's like a reminder of why watch any of that shit anyway.

It's essentially commentating on what happens when the hero gets too strong. I mean, he literally starts the anime by showing his backstory and then they cut to how bored its become to him.

He quite literally is One Punch Man. He's got the fucking punch of death of like goddamn.

Then fucking Genos comes along portraying literally all the over dramatic shit in anime and it's shown off more because of the contrast. Saitama literally could give less of a shit while Genos gives too much of a shit. It's between self aware and over dramatic. This goes with literally every character that's not Saitama.

One of the greatest aspects of One Punch Man is how it's literally what happens when the hero gets too strong. This being shown when Saitama starts the first episode saying how boring everything is. Which is something everyone just kind of looks over in anime. We've all just kind of accepted the fact that the hero will always get stronger but it's truly a good question. What happens when the hero gets too strong? 

Well, the answer to that question is the philosophy of One Punch Man. This anime wants you to look at the tropes of anime and realize how ridiculous what you're supposed to take serious and laugh at it. Like, isn't it fucking ridiculous. 

Like take a look at fucking bicycle guy. Holy shit. He is something else. They play him off as serious but that's the joke. This dude rides a fucking BIKE around and is counted as a hero. The greatest thing though is that he's actually a pretty well written character but that's still the joke. 

Everything about this anime is supposed to be a joke about anime and that's why it works.  The comedy is something we can all understand, something we've seen, and just slapping it in the face. 

That is what true comedy of this era is. It's why it works because we're an era where comedy is commentating on cliches and tropes. It's irony and irony is the best form of comedy. 

One Punch Man's comedy is made from pure irony which is why it works so well. 

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