GodDAMN plus a rant

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I was just chillin' when I suddenly came across this video. And DAMN these voice actors can FUCKIN SING. When I got to Victor's va I was like shIT AND THEN THERES PHICHIT'S VA WHICH FUCK MAN HES GOT A VOICE

Also another thing about this gay ass anime

There's a lot of theories for this anime okay, one of the most prominent seems to be that Victor has cancer which is actual bullSHIT.

Let's go over why.

Why the Victor has cancer theory is bullshit in three points

1. One key point is his hair which is actually really stupid. Yes, it's receding but another cause for hairdos is stress and people act like he wouldn't be stressed. The dude has a reputation to keep up and skating is actually pretty fucking hard. Not only that but he's aging. He's almost 30 for fucks sake! It's actual fact that the human body is in its prime during your 20s and they make that pretty clearly aging affects them. Plus, the dude's growing up of course he's going to cut that long ass hair off.

2. His motivations are another point for this theory which holy shit are you serious? There's a thing called SUBLTY and if you look close enough you can see how clear Victor's motivations actually are. Think it's random that he just went to coach a kid he barely met? Why don't you just rewatch the anime again and pay attention? He, himself, states why. He's actually got a ton of reasons as to why he took a break. Like that he was losing inspiration, he wasn't surprising anyone anymore, Makkachin is starting to get old (actually revealed by the director), he's getting pretty old, a million of other reasons. Plus, if he was just randomly got diagnosed with cancer at the time, how would he? And wouldn't he have to stop skating immediately because cancer is just overgrowth of cells taking nutrients so it fucks you up quickly. He should be in a hospital by the end of the season.

3. The lines in the end of episode 10 when he's talking to Yurio was a big thing when it came to this theory. Even though, HE WAS CLEARLY TALKING ABOUT ICE SKATING. THIS IS AN ICE SKATING ANIME AFTER ALL. After coaching Yuuri, he's become motivated to skate again. It's more than clear by episode 10. The next episode fucking rEKT this theory because it shows that he wants to "fight" or skate again.

And thus is why this theory is actual bullshit. Thank you for your time.

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