Hetalia Fandom Rant

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Oh look someone else complaining about the fandom. What's new!


I've been in this fandom long enough to know the problems and holy shit the problems are far worse in Hetalia than any other fandom I'm in.


So let me get rid of the obvious first. Guys, shipping isn't everything. It seems every time someone says their opinion on ships a bunch of others will pile up on them. It's gotten to the point where there are literal shipping wars over it.

The most known is USUK vs FRUK. I've seen some shit while roaming through both of these ships. It gets to the point where the fandom is basically split in two. Why can't we respect each other? That's literally what the show is saying. Let's get along for once because DAMN this is ridiculous.

Stereotypes and accents

The characters are already stereotypes but can you believe that there are stereotypes for the characters? A great example would be Italy and him always being happy. Dude, Italy is not just an oblvious happy-go-lucky guy.

The one that pisses me off the most is the stereotype for Prussia. GODDAMNIT. Prussia isn't even an asshole! He's a freaking nerd who cares way too much about his brother!

Then there's the accents. OH GOD THE ACCENTS. I hope you realize that the accents are annoying and aren't needed.


We as a fandom really do represent the world. By that I mean that most of us are dicks to each other. Like damn, we have opinions what a surprise!
This kind of goes along with the shippings.
We need to figure out how make peace with each other before we make peace with others. There's a huge reason why so many are scared of the fandom.


Im gonna get hate for this but I needed to say this because I've been in the fandom long enough to see the problems. Believe I have much more problems I could say but these are the ones that tend to bother me most.

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