How to get popular

49 10 6

Listen to this shit if you wanna get pass 1k followers

Step 1: update as much as possible
Spamming is the key

Step 2: Write good shit or sad shit
Get the people the like what you write so it better be well written or just stupidly sad

Step 3: Be genuine
People like genuine people so just be yourself but not fully because you gotta be relatable

Step 4: Don't follow random people for follows
That's stupid and it doesn't really work if you want to be liked
Stop it

Step 5: Be funny
Think up all the comedy possible

Step 6: Get yourself some friends
Online friends, squads, be a part of something
Show you have connections

Step 7: like everything
Equality is apparently liking everything

Step 8: Make art
People like art

Step 9: Realize that all this is stupid and just be yourself and wait jfc

Step 10: wait 5 fucking years


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