a brief history of this account

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So I watched IHE's newest video about how he hates his really old content that got him to where he is now.

And watching that, I kind of related to what he said.

And it made me realize that I should probably talk about this.

I really hate my old writing.

From 2016 and before.

It was really shitty.

Like I physically cringe when I so much as notice it's there. I'm legit surprised people still read it but then again people are naive so...ANYWAY it's garbage.

And here's a fun fact, I had biggest fucking ego when I was writing that garbage. Like, it was to the point where I thought my writing was superior to anyone elses. Thank god, I got through that phase.

Looking back makes me want to die.

So let's look back.

I've always been super vague about the history of this account and how I even got here so let me tell you.

I was in like 5th or 6th gade when I made the account. April 2013. This account though.

I was in like 4th when I made my first account because I was really into Adventure Time at the time and I found some (what I thought was) pretty good fanfiction on this site. I can't even remember the username. Then I forgot the password and so I made this one.

So I explored a bit more. Then I came across this one shitty book that I thought was the greatest about this girl getting abused and I remember it really well for some reason. The girl was about 6 and her mother brutally beat her and rarely let her go to school and then one day she comes home to the house on fire due to her mother falling asleep. She lets her mother die and then the book was taken down.

That book inspired me to write a story of my own. I called it How to Save a Life or something along the lines of that. If anyone remembers I published one with the same name like a year ago and then I took it down. Yeah it stemmed from that. That first book I made was really shitty. Really short and I deleted it fast.

Then I came across a bunch of fandoms like Pokemon, the selection, doctor who, fma. Which caused my interest in fanfiction. I wrote that one FMA fic that I unpublished recently because it's just awful and the oc was awful and I hate myself.

I stopped using wattpad for about a year. I got really into it when I was getting to the end of my 7th grade year. I was entering my hetalia phase then so I was reading a ton of fanfiction.

That year was also when I really gained interest in writing because my teacher told me I had a talent in writing. Which didn't make any sense because I hated to read and essay sucked. Another fun fact, I didn't know to read until 1st grade where my mom forced me to learn.

So 7th was when I started my poetry book and my short stories book which is now also unpublished.

Then 8th came around and I was really becoming garbage for hetalia. I shit out a lot of fanfiction. Read so much fanfiction. It was a super boost in my skill. Most of you probably found me in that stage. The one book that broke through before the hetalia facts was Red Strings I think. And the one shot everyone loved was Rain. Not sure why I guess people like poorly written and not well thoughtout garbage but okay.

Then when I was deepest into the hole of Hetalia I made the fact book. And that exploded in popularity. It's now one of top results when you search hetalia on this site.

It's great exposure btw. Do a spammy book if you don't have integrity or shame. It was genuine at first but then I saw the popularity it got me so I jumped on that and look at me now.

Evil I know. Hahahahahahahah.

Then Yuri on Ice slid into my life and I finally moved out of Hetalia. That was the real turning point. I realized that I wasn't writing like I should. In fact, writing was becoming more a job by then and writing something new, writing something that actually had a fucking plot had my interest come back. I started to notice alot of my mistakes and improved.

So I started rewriting things.

The New Guy

I started unpublishing things.

And here I am.

I evolved and matured.

And I gotta say I was an idiot. How did you read my writing back then???

It's actually garbage. I legit laugh at it sometimes.

I'm embarrassed but ya know, it's important because you get to see my evolution as a writer. I've matured and I'm still struggling on plot but I'm getting there!

So yeah that a not so brief history of this account.


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