unnecessary deep thinking about Mystic Messenger

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Fucking geez
This game

What the fuck

It's got me like thinking real deep about humanity and how it fuckings work which I already do but this has me thinking about it differently.

But that's not what I'm here to talk about not at all. I'm here to talk about why this dating sim works while others fail. 

It's all in the fucking writing and game mechanics. 

This is one of the best written dating sims I've ever seen. Fucking geez. Like, the characters actually have this thing called character. Except Zen, he's still a fucking stereotype no matter how you look at him. 

Even then, the characters have a lot them. 

Take Yoosung, he's the stereotypical innocent college student character but this fucker wasn't always having an existential crisis. Nah, he worked hard and then college made him question fucking reality. Like dude same. Not to mention that Rika's death fucked him up. This kid is not one dimensional as he seems at first. Actually, even at first he had fucking character. Sure, he seemed kinda dumb but he actually added to the story and got me fucking existential at one point jfc. 

Take Seven, the stereotypical cool guy hacker dude. Who actually is a forced to be closed in lonely dude who just wants to not be bored and jokes to make himself feel better but it won't erase the fact that he's alone with no one but the people in the RFA. Like dude same. He's also super secretive and doesn't give a single shit. I'm serious when I say that this dude is me if I were an anime dude. 

Help m e. 

Anyway, the writing shows you all this shit. And that's fucking impressive. 

The mechanics make it even better though. The mechanics in this game are near everything. While the writing is catch you emotionally, the mechanics make you invested. When your told to say one of the two choices you get at times in a chat, it's not always obvious which you should say. Something you don't see in other dating sims. 

This is a game that makes you fucking think jfc. Though it does fall back on that sometimes making it really obvious. 

Then there's the call feature. Which it makes it not only feel real but is a clever way to add in more story for you to chose who the fuck ya wanna virtually fuck. It's a cool mechanic nonetheless. Then there's the texts. Does what the call does but it also makes you get closer to specific characters. Adds in to the score of who the fuck. The scoring that's easy to figure the fuck out anyway.

What I'm saying is that this game is well put together and someone actually put some care into it. 

to sum it up 

but yeah

also i played the game normally

honestly clicking what i would probably say

and i want you to fucking guess who i got

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