Debunking yet another theory

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So another YOI theory has been spreading that in season 2 someone will come in and cause some problems in the relationship between Yuuri and Victor.

Time to debunk that shit.

Unlike the cancer one this theory actually has very little evidence to back it up. It's all speculation and yet people still believe it'll happen.

Bitch no.

1. That's such a cliche subplot. By this point I'm sure people know that the writers are better than that. Look at the original story and you will find how clever the writing actually is. They were almost never predictable so if they did a subplot like this I am 1000% sure it would become annoying keeping nothing on edge. Leave that cliche to fanfiction goddamnit!

2. Kubo has stated too much evidence against it. She literally said that Victor and Yuuri are SOULMATES. They're INSEPARABLE. There's genuine love in the relationship so I doubt some randy will complicate anything.

3. Kubo has literally stated that she can't write villains. She is literally incapable of doing it because each character she creates is written so well and become really likable. Like, Yurio was supposed to be the villain but he never really was, he was too well written.

And thus that theory is beaten down by pure fact

Honest to god, if anything is gonna complicate Yuuri and Victor's relationship it's gonna be the actual competing against each other thing. Kubo loves to write the man against self type plot and it works so yeah.

On another note, I need another anime to binge so anyone got any suggestions?

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