Mystic Messenger

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So Mystic Messenger is actually pretty good
I'm invested

But it's like ridiculously animu like seriously

You: lmao wtf is happening

Literally all the characters: *exposition mode activated*

Tbh the entire thing with V could be eased by literally saying that people react to shit differently but ya know


Yoosung is precious tho and I relate to him on a spiritual level

Zen is just like super thirsty tho like damn the thirst is so high I'm dehydrated
And is it me or is the only stereotype for famous people that their lonely at and like instantly fall for someone because​ said person understands them?
I'm just saying-

I'm also like gay for Jaehee
She's cool and I relate

And now it's a love triangle bc of Zen's extreme thirst but also Jaehee's extreme thirst for him and my thirst for Jaehee.

Like I said I'm invested

Also Seven's me if I were a dude I stg
Like I'm just as much of a dick and full of so much irony

Speaking of...

The amount of times 'lol' is used in this has me thinking that it's just ironic 100000% of the time

I'm serious

Like a serious topic comes up and they're just like 'lol'

I'm only on like day 3 so idk if this is for the rest of the thing but yeah

Also my favorite thing is the call feature

Like, it's really cool and it makes it feel more real, ya know? Makes it more realistic

Welp I've officially achieved a new level of non-existence

End my suffering

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