Why I've Given Up on Hetalia

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Yeah I've given up on Hetalia by this point. This fandom is literally impossible to deal with anymore.

Mostly as a content creator, it's fucking impossible to deal with.

For so long I've kept thinking that it's all me. That I'm just not writing enough, I'm not updating enough but no, it's all you!

You, the people of this damn fandom who don't appreciate what is made. You take spamming about facts over exploring these facts. It is for that, that I've given up making something new with Hetalia. I'm just fixing what messed up on before. 

Because I know if I come out with something new, it won't be liked enough, my hard work won't pay off, I won't be satisfied. How can I be satisfied if other aren't? How can I try if no cares about what I make?

I'm sick and tired of this fandom being so awful to people like me who write, people who draw, people who put so much work into something for this damn thing!

I'm just done.

I give up.

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