mom.exe has been activated

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there's a reason im everyone's mom but im not here to talk about that no 

not at all

I'm here to talk about someone I care about and just such a great friend


alright I'm fucking angry. 

I truly do not fucking understand how the actual fuck so many people on this site could ignore her so much that she's sick and tired of people and this damn site/app. 

Fuck the people that say they her friends then fucking turn their back when she needs the help. 

She is not your personal venting servant

She has problems too. 

Fuck you.

You don't deserve her. Not at all. In fact, it's not a frienship if your dumping all your shit on her and leaving until next time you have to shit. Either find someone else to vent to, get some fucking help, or fucking listen to her too. 

And someone of you will probably say that you do listen but quit lying you switch it to yourself quickly and vent some fucking more. GET YOUR FUCKING ISSUES IN CHECK IT'S NOT FUCKING HARD. There are millions of resources online. Use them. 

You think she isn't stressed the fuck out? She's got a ton of shit weighing on her that you probably don't even know about because you can't get passed your shitty ego. Your life is shit? Well shit, so is hers. 

Now this next part is directly to Natey.

Dude, I'm so sorry that you have to deal with such assholes. They don't deserve to be your friend. I am at your defense for anything if you need it. And I will fight with everything I have. It's honestly an honor to be your friend. I'm serious. You are one of the best people I have ever met. And that's a amazing feat because I say that to very few people. I wish I could do something more than just try and help. Like, I wish I could give you the biggest hug and just give you anything that would make you happy. 

I wish people would see how absolutely amazing you are. I mean, your talented, smart, strong, thoughtful, and truly unique. There are so many adjectives I could use that it'd make a thesaurus out of just words to describe you. There's really no way to describe you because you're just that unique. 

Now back to the other people. 

Now if you actually care about Natey, I have to thank you. Please give her all the love and support she needs. 

And if you want to defend yourself in saying that you do listen, then fucking explain to me thoroughly how. I can tell you that you honestly do not want to pick a fight with. I'm not a petty shit to push my followers onto you, no, I will fight you directly and break your argument.  

So come at me fuckers. 

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