Serious-ish Topics: What It's Like Being Popular

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So on a serious note kinda following up the How To Get Popular thing.

So, you ever wonder what it's like being popular?'s actually shittier that you might think.

I was happy when I finally hit 1k followers. It meant people actually liked me. Then, the realization came to me. What the fuck was I supposed to do now? What other achievement could I get to? I mean, I'm getting followers faster so 2k will seem like a breeze. It won't be like I worked hard for it like I did to get 1k. (I waited 5 fucking years for this kms) Even then, as much as I wanted to get popular, I didn't expect it at all so I was careless but the moment I hit 1k was crazy.

Of course, I get attention, anyone would love getting so much attention but shit man, it makes me nervous. Like, I want to live up to what people want but I can't. Though, I guess that doesn't matter because no matter what, people will like it.

That leads to a different problem actually. You see, I'm used to all the attention so when I don't get it, it makes me nervous. You know, like anyone would-

I love the attention. That's the problem. Becoming an attention whore.
Getting so used to the attention, loving it, needing it, it will destroy you.

Other than that being popular actually pretty nice

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