The Strange Case of CupcakKe

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So, if you've never heard of CupcakKe then watch this video

Those who know of her is probably because of this video

It's super weird. 

So, I'm going to talk about her because she's a bit weird. 

After listening to her latest song because my friends love her. 

This being the song. 

I looked deeper into her because this song is actually really well made. Her flow is amazing too like damn. Anyway, I learned a lot about her.

The funniest thing being that she was rapper for a church and then she started make this really sexual music. Though all her sexual stuff is clearly comical. She's clearly having fun with it. That's why it's so good because you're enjoying it as much as she is. 

Like do you think she's serious when she says "But I can't fuck up my nails, so I'll just pick up with chop sticks"? Just look at her in the video she's clearly having fun knowing it's weird, knowing it's offensive. 

Though, this isn't her only side. 

She can be serious too. Like in her song Picking Cotton.

She's making a statement about racism and it's actually amazing. She makes some great points and gives some good examples. I love the main line especially. "Still being slaves we're just not picking cotton." It's a great way to put how the government treats black people. 

Then there's her song LGBT which her making her statement that she doesn't care about sexuality or gender identity. 

She's making a statement and being genuine while still having fun. 

Then there's her other side where she, like any other rapper, brags. 

Though the difference with her is that she actually has good word play and flow and isn't half assing it like most rappers today. Hell, in this one she's even saying that she's better than most popular rappers today. 

And this is why I call her strange. 

CupcakKe could have been like any other rapper but she chose not too. She saw something better than that. She's got something for everyone actually. Seriousness, comedy, and just plain brag rap. Most importantly, she's got honesty. 

Some of the best rappers out there today like Kendrick Lamar are the best because they're honest. They write about what they want just like she does. She even says that rappers like Tupac and Dr.Dre are her inspiration. 

She's strange because she's unlike any rapper I've seen. She's not just comedic, she's not just serious, she's not just bragging. She's just making what she wants and doing it amazingly well despite being an underground rapper from Chicago. 

I bet you all think I'm crazy. 

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