The wink

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Of course I couldn't forget the wink

Not only is this image the most perfect image ever BUTThis is pretty important

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Not only is this image the most perfect image ever
This is pretty important.

The wink means/shows three things

1. Yuuri's confidence has skyrocketed. Before, he'd never even try to wink. It just wasn't his thing and he lacked the confidence to actually do that. So this means that the Eros routine and Victor has boosted his confidence enough to literally fucking wink.

2. He's picking up on Victor's mannerisms. This goes with the coach and student relationship they have. He's learning from his coach. Taking what his coach does. He's learning pretty damn well.

3. He really truly is comfortable with Victor. Like, he's got the confidence to wink at Victor specifically right after fucking demanding to go sightseeing. And honestly, who tf winks at some friend after saying that. Nah, he's talking to Victor, the man he loves. Yuuri feels comfortable and confident enough to wink at the guy.

This wink is beautiful alright.

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