Stuff I Hate: The Tumblr Art Style

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So Tumblr's a shithole but I don't really mind it. I find good memes on it.

The thing I do fucking hate about the sight is the art.

Now don't get me wrong a lot of the art on the site is beautiful and amazing.

But there's a catch to it getting noticed.

That catch is this common art style everyone on the sight uses.

Am I the only one to notice this?
Like, nearly ALL of the art looks the same. And they claim that you can have your own style as they proceed to all make sure you copy that style because that's what's liked. ITS SO ANNOYING.

Give me a fuckin cool as style goddamnit! Give me a weird ass pose! Not all art has to be 100000% anatomical correct and look like a fuckin painting goddamnit!

I fucking hate the art style because it's so overused and common.

I just want something interesting not just pretty or well done or something!

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