so about that Jaymes Young album

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so i listened to it at like 3 am 

it's currently 4 am and im listening to my favorites again. 

i love the album by the way it's amazing!

by favorite songs i actually mean the entire album

the entire album is amazing

it's now my favorite album of his

it's pretty clear from the first song that it's about love and sex and trust.

which is pretty good for me writing wise.

emotionally...well, it makes me feel bad about myself tbh because im lonely as shit.

Seriously, I relate to Sugar Burn on a spiritual level. Like i almost started crying when I heard the song for the first time. And then Feel Something is right after so I was like fUCK. I literally had to stop what I was doing to rethink my life choices. 

though, surprisingly, neither of those two songs are my favorite. 

nah my favorite is Naked which is about having complete trust in someone with every piece of yourself. Deep I know. Anyway, while listening to this song I was thinking about wondering if I'll ever trust someone like that. Like, be so completely infatuated and trust in them with everything. This is getting depressing but yeah. 

After that Two People and Infinity are a battle to second. Funny with how different they are with Two People being about cheating and Infinity being about being so in love with someone. 

Fuck and then there Black Magic and Stone and literally every other song on the album. 

It's just a really good album okay go listen to it!!!!

It's on youtube just search it up

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