Unpopular Opinion #1

91 10 15

I don't like 2!ps. Probably gonna hate for that but I have my reasons.

I don't get why they exist. I mean, why would you want the opposite of what the character is? Is the actual character not good enough for you? Although it does allow for some odd scenarios, the fandom went ahead to make them all murderous which I find pretty dumb. Do people even know what happens in war?

They're also the cheapest plot device ever. You know the one. They kidnap a character and everyone else has to get said character back or they're trying kill everyone. I'm sick of seeing that. Like, somehow they can't think of anything else. It's why they never appear in my writing.

Also, they're the opposite of a character when there are so many characters that you're bound to find their opposite.

I just don't like them. To me, they're a stupid idea.

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