Serious-ish Topic: a question

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So I got a question that really just needed an entire chapter for an answer

So I got a question that really just needed an entire chapter for an answer

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This being it.

AnimeAndGay I'm super flattered, thank you!

Now to answer your question...

There's quite a few reasons as to why I'm still on Wattpad.

1. It's a huge chunk of my life and just leaving it all behind would actually destroy me. When I started way back like 4 or 5 years ago, I didn't even really think that I would last this long. I thought that I'd get sick of it by this point. But I've just kept writing and writing and growing and growing. Letting it go now would seem like jumping off a cliff because I'd lose the past as to what made it fun in the first place.

2. I'm flattered that you think my writing is so good that I should be writing books but I'm really no where near the level for playing with the big kids. I'm use Wattpad to improve and dropping it would literally drop my skill level severely because I'd be writing way less.

Plus I'm like 14, and writing a book at 14 is damn near impossible.

3. People. I got friends here! I can't just leave them! Not only that but I actually get pretty good criticism sometimes that helps me to reach that perfection I wanna be at to actually write a book.

4. Creative freedom. I honestly love being able to write what I want and in the big leagues, as an author you can be fairly limited. On here I can shit post all I want it.

Yeah it's just really fun here for me. I don't want to lose that fun!

I don't want to love all I've built up. I don't want to forget what I've written because it holds a special place in my heart.

Hell, IF I ever do publish something, I'd do it my senior year in high school as like a celebration for making it.

And finally, before I end this, I gotta say, no matter who you are, you're fantastic. Do whatever you love. Be like Hamilton, relentless and nonstop. Inspire others, motivate others! You can't just give up. You have so much ahead of you! Sure, you may not be as good as you want to be but practice and practice and practice. You are amazing and you gotta let yourself shine or else you want be seen for the beauty of what you are. Live as if your a mountain and stand tall and mighty for the world to watch just how beautiful you can be. Even if you're barely sprouting like a flower, think about the mountain you could be and become just that. Take your time because not everyone grows instantly.

Thank you guys, you are amazing! I feel like I don't say that enough. You guys are just absolutely amazing and wonderful! I'm glad I can motivate you and inspire you just as you have to me. I'm so glad I can be the fire that sparks a flame in others. I'm so glad I get to be here and make something.

Now I'm gonna go cry for a bit because I'm remembering a lot of stuff and I'm getting really emotional.

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