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*Crackle.* *Crackle.* *Crackle.*

Archie awoke from his sleep to sounds from the baby monitor and decided to ignore it knowing that Veronica was probably up. He always wants to help yet between working and her just staying at home... It's kinda hard.

She tells him that he should get his sleep and she can handle the baby. Although you know, he hates that way.

The Redhead doesn't want his wife waking up about five times every night after she went through all that stuff for them to have a baby.

His eyes drooped as he can still hear little noises here and there. He tosses and turns as the noise gets a little louder. Veronica knows to keep it down, maybe she's just tired. The redhead was just about to go and get the baby when an arm pulled him back into the bed. Whipping his head around only to find his wife with terrified filled eyes, sending a rush of confusion through him.

Wait if she's here then who's in?...

"Ronnie, we have to be quiet... I think there's someone in the house." He whispered hugging her trying to shield her from the world around them...

"Archie..." She mumbled as he grasped her hand.

"You stay here and I will go," He mumbled bending down and fishing out his old baseball bat from under the bed.

Just the glass shattering hit their ears and other noises that couldn't be explained. Archie glides his hands through hair and looked his wife straight in the eyes.

"Make sure the door is locked when I leave and hide in the tub," The husband suggests pointing to the connected bathroom.

"Please don't leave... No– wait, I'm going with you." She told him going to grab something however he took it out of her shaking hand.

"You stay here... It's safer." He explained kissing her. "I must go and save the baby."

With that, the husband went to the door and opened it a crack seeing no one... Slowly walking out holding the bat high. He made it down the hall just about to open the baby rooms door although then he could hear voices down the stairs.

"We're going to find them and–" The voices were cut off by noises, not from him yet from their bedroom...

They came storming up the stairs, Archie had no choice yet to go into the baby's room. Taking their baby out of the crib, still wondering what was making the noise, maybe it was the baby.

Putting the baby in one arm and bat in the other. He creaked open the door just as his wives scream filled the air.

He flung open the door running only to see their bedroom door wide open... Gradually walking in seeing no one, in his mind, Archie was freaking out. That was until... He saw the bathroom door off the hinges.

He ran out of the room and put their baby in one of our dresser drawers... They won't look there... Right?... Slowly the redhead walked down the stairs, trying not to make any noise.

Hid bat held high, slowly turning a corner seeing no one. Quickening his pace he went towards the living room hearing voices.

"What are we going to do with the girl, once we find her?" Someone asked chuckling.

"Well... Archie will be down here any minute." Another person explains...

He burst into the living room seeing... Reggie standing there with a bunch of his old friends. Hitting him with a bat seemed to only make things worse... His friends held him against the wall.

"What are you doing here?" Archie asked gritting his teeth.

"I came here to win back Veronika... This time you're not going to get in the way." Reggie mumbled, his fist colliding hard on the redhead's cheek.

"Now tell me where she is." He repeated smirking as his friends tightened their grip on me.

"No..." He mumbled, feeling another blow to the face. Struggling against his grip, as they could then hear Veronica.

"Reggie... Stop! I'm with Archie now and you need to leave because I just called the cops." She explains smirking.

He looks from her to Archie, punching him once more as they dropped him. Falling face-first on the floor. The door opened and slammed as the husband looked up Veronica was there ready to fix him up.

"Please never leave me again." She mumbled hugging him.

She pulled back a little later looking at his eyes and touching it... The redhead winced in pain, just as the cops arrived.

"Archie where's the baby?" Veronica asked worriedly.

"I will go get her, I hid her," He told her.

Running up and opening the drawer seeing the baby fast asleep. He cradled her in his arms, walking down the stairs slowly. He handed the baby to Veronica as they sat on the couch while cops went through their place. He looked at her then she looked at him, so then they kissed.

The kiss would have been longer if they weren't interrupted by a cop clearing his throat.

"We found nothing, just shoe tracks from your back door coming in and the lock was broken... oh and this picture frame has broken too." The cop explained handing it to them.

"Thank you," Veronica thanked standing. "I will lead you out." Handing the baby back to me she left.


As she came back a few minutes later she had ice. She took the baby from Archie putting her upstairs. The ice helped but not as much as she did. She laid her head in his lap, turning on the TV. They didn't talk about what happened just being glad that they were ok.

"I love you." She mumbled, interlocking our fingers.

He smiled, as she turned on their new favorite show... The redheads arm sneakily slid around her as He whispered...

"I love you too."

And the rest of the night they snuggled on the couch. In each other's arms Happy for being safe and alive... Together, forever & Always.

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