XXVII: Bleeding Forest

Start from the beginning

I didn't get far before I stumbled upon a bleeding body.

I dropped my bow as i dropped on me knees before the bleeding girl. There was a huge chunk of flesh taken from her throat down to her shoulder, blood pooling quickly around her as she struggled to catch her breath.

I didn't meet her gaze as I tore off a giant piece of cloth from my kimono, pressing it against her throat.

"W-watch out." She choked out, blood coming out from her mouth. That was when I met her gaze, only to see that she was looking right above me.

And thats when that demonic energy appeared again.

I swung around, a gasp escaping from my mouth as a nasty looking black creature with a huge row of pointy teeth charged at me.

I flung my arm in front of my face, feeling the creature's teeth sink into my skin.

And then it flew off me, almost like a force had shoved it off.

If not for the intervention, its teeth would have pierced right into my bone.

I briefly met the eyes of Lord Sesshomaru as he battled with the large, black, squid like demon, before breaking our gaze as I turned my attention back to the girl.

I needed to stop her bleeding before I could heal her.

I ignored the stinging on my forearm as my blood begun to coat the sleeve of my white kimono, as I applied more pressure on the horrid bite on the poor girl's body.

With the sound of fighting just a few hundred feet from me, it was difficult to focus on trying to help this girl. I focused all my spiritual energy to flow through my hands and onto the girl's wound, taking a great deal of focus.

Focus was hard at the moment.

"P-please.." she groaned out in pain.

I pursed my lips in a tight thin line, narrowing my eyes as I took in a deep breath.

Focus. Ignore the fighting.

The need to save this girl's life was all that filled my head.

And sure enough, a faint blue light emitted from my hand, coating around the wound.


This forest looked familiar.

I didn't pay much attention to it since the end goal was for me to safely bring them to Tatsuo.

I didn't know wether this was part of his game. He would have told me. Right?

When Rin sprinted off into the trees as a result of the familiar blood curdling scream, it dawned on me.

Not only was in this forest where the saber made its appearance two years ago, but this was the forest in which a certain demon resided.

I remember her scream like it happened yesterday.

She lured travelers into their death, almost like a siren. But with a scream, a decoy demon, and blood.

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