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Alright, sorry guys, this isn't a chapter

And this isn't really related to Undertale anyways

It's mainly for Eddsworld, since I wrote this comment on a video for "Eddsworld Cringe" 

So, uh *ahem*

This is for all of you Eddheads, if you're here. . .

"(Just a head's up, I get kinda angry in this--

Also, there is a lot to read, AND I might have said a few opinions. Honestly, I just wanted to join in and say what I've learned. . .)

Oh gosh, this makes me really sad, and I have only really been in this fandom for a few months. I know many people already discussed this in the comments, but I still find this . . . just unbelievable. Edd created Eddsworld, a great animation series that could make people laugh and smile on YouTube.

But, sadly, the fandom had to ruin everything. I would say mainly by the many, many shippers. I'm not saying shipping or writing 'x readers' or 'x OCs' are bad (I mean, I do it too), but it's when it becomes pornographic or NSFW is when it becomes a problem. Some people in the Eddsworld fandom draw TomTord porn. . .which led to Tord leaving the whole thing altogether. I think Tom left for the same reason. . .

Tord was also being harrassed by the fans and ended up not being able to use his real name. He deleted all of his social media accounts, I've heard.

Next came the Paultryck ships, which also led to Paul and Patryck leaving as well.

Matt's the only one left.

But guess what? Eddsworld's little fandom decides to stroll on into Matt's personal life and harrass his WIFE! What did she even do? She had nothing to do to the show, but here are those fans that decide to be complete IDIOTS and harrass her!

(I'd like to note that not all of the fans are bad. . .)

Are these 'fans' even real fans? They're destroying the thing they loved after Edd passed away!

Heck, even when it seems like the show won't be coming back, they're just being. . .such. . .RETARDS!

They don't understand that they're going to bring it to that point where Eddsworld will never be back.

Edd's world will stop spinning.

He didn't create his own world, only for it to be destroyed.

All of you porn artists, if he was still alive, what do you think he would think about all of this?

How does it feel, knowing you're destroying your own fandom?

Once again, I'm not saying you can't ship what you ship, like TomTord (which honestly makes no sense to me) or other ships like those. . .

And I'm not saying you can't make OCs and ship them with the characters, it's fine just as long it's not the REAL people.

Just watch out what you write or post online.

Most of all, don't harrass people or send them porn drawings. Do you think Matt, the last original crew member, would want that? No, he wouldn't. So don't do it anymore (if anyone was).

I think the fandom has calmed down a bit, but I'm not so sure. Maybe, just maybe the fandom will change its ways and just. . .stop. . .for once.

Maybe it'll be an okay fandom and not be bad like the other fandoms such as Undertale, FNaF, etc. (All of which have great content, but some horrible fans. . .)

I really hope so, because it's making it harder and harder for me to be able to just enjoy the content with all of the ships and porn.

(Even in the 'x readers' I read, [yes I read those, they aren't bad to write, don't worry] some sort of ship is part of it! Most commonly, TomTord. . .)

Please, Eddsworld fandom, please fix yourself. You wouldn't want to be the cause of losing something you love, would you?

If anyone read through all of this, thank you for reading my "little" rant.


Goes the same to a few other fandoms. Including this one, Undertale.

Don't get me wrong, a lot of you guys are awesome, and aren't ruining anything, but there are a lot of others who are.

I just wanted to acknowledge this.

Thank you, goodbye.

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