Chapter 49

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'So are you going to tell me or are we going to stare at passing traffic?', asked Louis and I smiled a bit.

' You look very pretty in that dress', he said and I laughed.

'Val', he prodded and I sighed.

'You don't have your board', he said with furrowed eyebrows and I nodded.

He lead me to his room which he I realized that he shared with Liam as I found him on his laptop in the front room.

'Hello', he chirped and I gave him a small wave.

'You look beautiful Valentina', he said and I smiled at him but my heart weighed a bit as I wanted to hear those words from one person in particular.

'Something's wrong', he said closing his laptop.

'That's what I'm trying to figure out as well, I bumped into her in the hallway', said Louis.

'The hallway?', asked Liam confused.

'Yeah, in front of Harry's room', he said.

'Aren't you two supposed to be on a date?', asked Liam confused and that triggered my tears.

'Oh lovely, see what you've done?', asked Louis as he quickly pulled me into a hug again.

'Well how was I supposed to know?!',he exclaimed.

'Val, you have to stop crying. Tell us what's wrong', pleaded Louis and I sniffed as I pulled away from him.

'Here, you can use this journal. I haven't used it', said Liam handing over a brown leather book along with a pen.

Louis sat me down on the sofa and then I started to write.

Ten minutes later which seemed like an hour to me, I handed it over to them.

'HE KISSED YOU?!', exclaimed Louis midway.

'Was that all you could register?', scowled Liam and gave me an apologetic look which I shook my head at.

'Would you approve of a more physical solution?', asked Louis when they had finished and I gave him a confused expression.

'No Louis, you will not hit him', said Liam sternly and Louis scowled.

'I'm sure Harry has a reason', said Liam but I chose to remain silent at that.

'Liam, you don't kiss a girl, act like you care and then suddenly say that you want nothing to do with her', said Louis with a serious tone.

'We know Haz is better than that. Maybe there's something on his mind', said Liam and I looked at him.

'Did he seem stressed out?', asked Louis and I took a minute to remember.

Come to think of it, he did look tired and there were endless emotions on his face when he saw me.

I nodded at them.

'Well that solves it', said Liam.

'Liam, he hurt her feelings. She deserves an apology', said Louis and he nodded.

'Liam mate have you seen-', came a voice and we looked up to find Zayn midway through the door.

'Okaaay', he said noticing the tense atmosphere.

'What's going on?', he asked eyeing us and I quickly looked down.

'Harry's acting weird', replied Louis.

'What do you mean acting weird?', he asked and then looked at me.

'Aren't you supposed to be at some fancy restaurant?', he asked and I shrugged.

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