Chapter 42

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The steady beep of the heart monitor brought me back to the surface. I groaned as I felt pain flash through my left abdomen as I tried to sit straight.

'You're awake'

I turned to my right to find Paul standing next to me with a relived expression.

'You gave us a scare', he said and I smiled faintly. I looked around and was a bit disappointed to find the room empty.

'The lads are at an interview right now. They've been visiting you time to time', he said as he noticed my dismay.

I looked around trying to find something to write on. 'What is it?', he asked and I made signs asking for a pen.

Paul smiled as he handed me my board, 'It was quite lonely not seeing that board in use', he said and I smiled at him.

'How long was I out?'

'It's almost been two days', he said.


'I'm sorry for this'

'Nothing matters now other than you recovering', he said and I smiled. 'Just leave the saving part to us next time, okay?', he asked and I smiled sheepishly.

A bustling was heard outside along with voices that seemed to be hushing each other. Paul had the same confused expression as I had and we turned to find five excited people at the doorway.

'She's awake! Sleeping Beauty is awake!', exclaimed Louis as they ran in and I laughed.

'Harry held a bouquet of white roses and lilies which he replaced with a similar bouquet in a vase nearby.

'Did she just wake up?', asked Liam and Paul nodded.

'How do you feel?', asked Niall as he sat by my feet.

'Hurts a bit'

'Did you call the doctor?', asked Zayn.

'Shit I forgot', said Paul and quickly ran out of the room which surprised me as he always seemed to be so kept together and organised.

'He's just glad you're alright. You gave him a heart attack', said Louis and my eyes widened.

'Not literally', said Liam quickly and I relaxed.

'Did you see any of that?', asked Niall pointing to my left and it was then that I noticed the gift laden table.

It contained balloons, cupcakes and handmade cards which just screamed Lux. I then felt something near my arm and I smiled as I recognized the pink bear that Harry had given me.

I looked at him wondering why he was so silent and he smiled at me.

'Guys, you need to leave', said Paul.

'But we just got here!', whined Louis. 'You can come back after her check up', said Paul as he lead them out with a series of protests.

'She needs two months until her wound heals, make sure she doesn't apply too much pressure on it either', said the doctor and Paul nodded although I could tell how worried he must be. 'Oh and don't let her move about a lot', said the doctor.

Paul looked at me with a tired expression and I smiled sheepishly at him. 'I'll do my best', he said and I muffled a laugh as he gave me a serious look before leaving with the doctor.


I looked to find Harry lean against the door with a tired expression.

I waved the teddy's arm at him and he smiled as he came towards me.

'You really scared me', he said sitting next to me.

'Does it hurt a lot?', he asked and I shrugged.

'I should have gotten on that ride with you', he said and I looked at him confused.

'You guys wouldn't have had to come searching for me', he said and I noticed his eyes water as well.

I quickly held his hand and shook my head at him.

'You don't need to deny it', he said with a small smile and I watched as he gulped.

'He would have come for me anyway'

Harry's expression changed to a serious one as he read the board.

'Val, why didn't you warn us about him? I know that he was here for a while', he said and I looked away.

'Valentina', he said sternly and I gulped.

'I didn't want you guys to worry and I never assumed that I would be in danger with you guys. I thought he wouldn't get me'

'But it wouldn't have come to this', he said and looked me straight in the eyes which left me speechless.

Note the pun.

'I'm fine. Look at me'

He read the board and then looked at me.

I smiled at him which caused him to smile a bit and so I poked his dimples for fun.

Harry laughed at my gesture and then he looked at me again, this time his look held something more as he held my face with his hand and it made me a bit nervous.

'Please don't be afraid', he said but before I could even look at him confused, he planted a gentle kiss on my forehead.

'I'm just glad you're alive Val', he whispered but I was at loss for words.

'I should go', he stammered as he noticed my stunned expression and darted out of the room with a flushed face while I on the other hand was reliving that kiss.

'Where did he take off to?', asked Zayn as he entered with the others and I shrugged looking down into my hands hoping that they wouldn't notice how flustered I was.

Harry kissed me.

A kiss that made my heart flutter for the first time.

How was that possible?

How was that possible?

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