Chapter 1

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I looked at the part of the wall where I had secretly carved the number of days I had spent here.

Today marks one year.

I sighed and leaned my head against the stained walls.

My hand touched something rubbery and I almost puked at the sight of the used condom that lay on the floor.

Bastards didn't even care about my health! How could they?!

All they wanted was to quench their desire every night.

What was I to them?

A rag doll probably.

I wiped my hands on my jeans and huddled myself into a ball.

365 days in a year and I had been used every night of those days.

A tear fell down as I remembered the first month I was here.

Those were the worst days.

Every night it was the same three men.

The first hour would go by with thrashes and worst, cigarette burns. Then they would take turns with me and made sure to make it hurt every way possible.

It was after that, that more girls were brought and they went easy on me.

They never bothered to have us checked for diseases, heck they even sold me off on nights when I had a burning fever.

I wiped my forehead and twirled my long brown hair, which reminded me of my mother.

She used to braid it into a crown back then and my grandmother would place roses in them.

Father loved to watch them pamper me and he would call me his 'Principessa'.

That was all I could remember about my family; nothing else.

One year of torture had caused me to forget everything and I shuddered at the thought of what the coming years would do to me.

A feeble cry was all that I could produce, for I knew no other words to make.


I was a mute.

The moment my captors realized that I was a mute, they couldn't have been more happier.

There were times, when the men who slept with me tried to make me say things to them but I couldn't utter a word and that would make them angry, leaving me a victim to their angry thrusts and thrashes.

Last night was no different as well and he struck me across my face when I couldn't say his name or the other filthy words he asked of me.

The door opened and a man who I recognized as a guard, came in.

'Get up', he ordered and I scrambled up to my feet.

'Couldn't obey like a nice girl last night, eh?', he sneered as he saw the red impression on my cheek.

I looked away and bit my lip.

'You're being sold', he said and I looked at him.

'Some rich bloke wants you as his own', he said and pushed me outside my cell.

I couldn't remember the last time I had been outside that room, so it took me a while to adjust to the new surroundings.

'Your clothes should be enough', he smirked and I looked down at what I wore.

A torn green tank top and faded ripped jeans.

'Now move', he said and shoved me.

It was still dark as I got outside and I was greeted by two goons next to an SUV.

'Keep an eye on her', said the man and they sneered at me.

A shiver went through my spine as I realized that I had to spend the journey these men, who looked like they could kill me with one touch.

I sat in the back with one of the goons, while the other drove.

I looked outside the window and realized I was in some major city.

All I remember from the day they captured me was my cell and a very tall tower which I could see through my window.

Sometimes I wished that I could see that tower, with all it's lights and splendor and that gave me the courage to live every day.

Hope, that I could one day escape.

The traffic was dense and the driver was getting impatient as he honked at the surrounding cars.

As he started the car again and moved it a bit , I was thrown forward and my face collided with the front seat.

'What the fuck?!', swore the driver as he realized someone had hit the car from behind.

'I'll check', said the goon next to me and he got out of the car.

I turned to see him yelling and throwing insults at the driver in the back car.

A loud BANG was heard and I turned again to find the goon and the driver had now started a fist fight.

People were now crowding and I'm pretty sure I heard a megaphone go off.

'Shit', cursed the driver and hurriedly got out to save his friend.

It took me a good long minute to realize; I was alone.

No guards.

No cells.

No locks.

I timidly opened the car door and I gasped as I heard it click open.

My heart thundered against my chest as I realized the opportunity I had in front of me and without even a second of hesitation I took it.


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