Episode 20

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*the camera turns on to reveal Hollowfrost sitting calmly on the stage*

Hollowfrost: Hello everyone! My name is Hollowfrost! I may or may not have stolen Nightstar's equipment to make my own show! So for this episode it will be How to Murder a Cat 101! Hosted by Hollowfrost!

Riftstone and Hollow's kits: *the only ones in the audience* YEAH GO HOLLOW!! *wearing a "Team Hollowfrost!" Shirt*


Rift: I thought you loved me!

Hollow: I do, now shut up.

Hollowfrost: OKAY! So today's episode will be How to murder Copperfur!

Copperpaw: The dude I'm named after?

Hollowfrost: SHUSH HONEY

Hollowfrost: Anyway, now we will be murdering Copperfur!

*On screen*

Copperfur: *walks towards river*

Hollowpaw: ooh look, Shadestar told me to murder someone! How about Copperfur!

Copperfur: *looks into river*

Hollowpaw: *tackles him and holds his head under*  DROWN YOU USELESS CAT DROWN!!




Hollowpaw: THIS IS TAKING TOO LONG! *digs claws into neck*




*more blood*

*no more bubble*

Hollowpaw: *evil laughter* DIEEEEEE

Shadestar: *from the DF* THAT'S MY GIRL!!

*the other DF cats stare at him like he's crazy (which he is)*

Copperfur: *dead*

*no more bubble*

*lots of blood*

*no more bubble*

*the screen shots off*

Hollowfrost: And that is how you murder Copperfur!

Rift and the kits: *cheering*

Wrenpaw: Yep, our mom is pretty great!

Other kits: *nod*

*loud banging is heard on the other side of the door*


Hollowfrost: Oh no! I've been found out!

Rift and the kits: OH NO *run out the exit*

*Nightstar knocks the door down and bursts in with her crew + Snowstorm (gotta love best friends). The last thing that can be seen is Hollowfrost hiding in s laundry basket, then the screen goes black, and the credits roll in*

Hollowfrost studios is not responsible for any damage caused during this show.
Side effects may include:
Having an urge to murder Copperfur
Laughing at random points throughout the day
Randomly deciding to go out with a rouge
Training with Shadestar

P.S. You should join Shadestar, he has cookies, oh and popcorn!

So uh...
This was me today:
Me: Let's update HtRaR101! (Name of this book in letters because I was too lazy to write it out)
Me: Hmm, so I should do FlamexDove, ooh, or TwilightxTiger!
Also me: How about you make Hollowfrost take over the show and call it how to murder a cat 101, so original
Me: Eh, sounds good

And here we are now.
I honestly don't know what to say besides do you want to see more of this?

~ Blackie

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